Day 3-Inspectional Reading 检视阅读

Day 3-Inspectional Reading 检视阅读

作者: 简单书写11 | 来源:发表于2017-01-03 17:38 被阅读68次


Part 1-Vocabulary

1. threshing: to remove the seeds of crop plants by hitting them, using either a machine or a hand tool(用机器或手持工具)使(谷物)脱粒; 此处作筛选

Giving a book this kind of quick once-over is a threshing  process that helps you to separate  the chaff from the real kennels of nourishment. 

2. pigeonhole: one of a set of small boxes, open at the front, in which letters and messages are left for different people 鸽笼式分类架;信件格;文件格

3. puffery: exaggerated commendation especially  for promotional purpose极力称赞,夸大广告

the blurb is never anything but sheer puffery.

4. heed: to pay attention to something, especially advice or a warning 注意,听从(尤指建议或警告)

Heeding the suggestions we have made will help you sustain this attitude.

Eg: If I had heeded your warnings, none of this would have happened.

【n】pay heed to sth / take heed of sth

5. dubious: thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted 半信半疑的,可疑的;不确定的;不可信的

Great speed in reading is a dubious achievement. 

Eg: These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.

Part 2 Summary

Chapter four introduces the  second level of reading, that is, inspectional reading (检视阅读). The author tells readers two types of inspectional reading: systematic skimming ( pre-reading) and superficial reading (They are two aspects of a single skill). In addition, it is noticeable that reading speed varies in accordance with the nature and complexity of the reading material and there is no fixed reading rate. A competent reader is able to read at different speeds. Fixations and regressions are not good habits to improve reading speed. Increasing reading speed actually does not help to improve comprehension.

Systematic reading (pre-reading)

aims: to discover whether a book requires a more careful reading; to tell you lots of other information about the book.

how to skim

1. look at the title, subtitle,  and preface to have a idea of the subject, the category, the aim, the scope of a book.

2. study the table of contents to acquire a book's structure 

3. check the index to estimate the range of topics and look up some passages cited.

4. read the publisher's blurb to to get the main idea of the book.

5. look at the chapters that seem to be pivotal ( heed summary statements in the opening or closing pages if the book has them).

6. reading several pages in sequence or a paragraph or two

Superficial reading 

aim: to allow readers not to get stalled or to be tripped up by any stumble block (difficult words and like)

How to do it:

 Read a book thorough without stopping to look up or ponder the things you don't understand right away. 


Reading speed

to vary your  rate of reading in accordance with the nature and complexity of the material and to  know when the different speeds are appropriate. 


Fixations and Regressions (定位和回顾)

The two reading habits are wasteful and obviously cut down reading speed.


Part 3 今日阅读感悟



2. 不会死磕自己不懂的地方

3. 会连续读文章,不会跳来跳去读书


1. 几乎没有注意过序言,也没怎么考虑过文章的category和scope。作者提到,

to place the book in the appropriate category in your mind. 


2. 会读章节目录,但没考虑到哪些章节是核心,看章节目录为了知道书本的大概内容,却忽视了主次。导致的后果就是浪费很多时间多了很多不值得细读的地方。比如这本书前两天读的时候,我抱着一颗红心,读的相当仔细(因为是第一次读这类原版书)。读完后,晕晕乎乎的,回过头翻看读过的,还是不明所以。后来调整方法,抓住每个小标题下的主要内容,去伪存真。今天读的这章顺畅多了,也基本抓住了要点。还发现作者有点小啰嗦,一不小心就被绕进去了。

3. 书中的index部分,以前不会太关注。今天作者提到了《独立宣言》,去搜索看了一遍。看原版书,遇到不会的单词还是会选择性去查。中文部分可能不会有这个困扰。

总而言之,个人目前最需要改进的是多联系已读的书,让脑海里形成一个 book tree的地图,而不是孤立阅读。



    本文标题:Day 3-Inspectional Reading 检视阅读
