夏威夷海域发现罕见生物 外观像小猪又像驯鹿

夏威夷海域发现罕见生物 外观像小猪又像驯鹿

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2019-07-24 10:36 被阅读0次

近日,美国海洋研究团队在夏威夷附近水域发现了一只俗称“小猪鱿鱼”(piglet squid)的罕见生物。

“小猪鱿鱼”学名是Helicocranchia pfefferi,属于章鱼科(octopodidae);它看起来半透明,身形小且圆胖,脸部有像猪鼻子的虹吸管(siphon),触须长在头上,还有一双黑亮的大眼,看起来像猪又像鹿。


Adorable‘piglet squid’is spotted 1,000 miles south of Hawaii by scientists on a deep sea expedition 4,500 feet below sea level

  • Researchers aboard E/V Nautilus remotely explored waters near Palmyra Atoll

  • Remote explorer was submerged around 4,500 feet when it spotted the squid

  • Piglet squid gets its name from its large siphon that looks like a snout

  • piglet squid 小猪鱿鱼

    deep sea expedition 深海调查

    siphon 虹吸管

    snout (一些动物突出的)口鼻部

    An adorable piglet squid has been spotted in its natural home deep in the Pacific Ocean by a team of passing researchers. 

    The inquisitive animal was snapped on camera by the E/V Nautilus team exploring the Palmyra Atoll earlier this month.

    Pacific Ocean 太平洋

    They spotted the creature at 4,500ft (1,385m) and paused to enjoy the moment with the small marine animal.  

    The Nautilus team, from non-profit organisation Ocean Exploration Trust, used an ROV (Remotely operated underwater vehicle) to enjoy the quick close-up.

    marine animal 海洋动物

    close-up 特写镜头,特写

    The see-through piglet squid (Helicocranchia sp.) is named for its large siphon that looks like a snout. 

    see-through 透明的;穿透的

     The experts who found the squid said: ‘Squids, like other cephalopods, move using a structure called a siphon to pull and push the surrounding water like a jet pump

    cephalopod 头足类动物(触须与头直接相连,如乌贼、章鱼)

    structure (器官的)结构

    jet pump 喷射泵


    The see-through piglet squid (Helicocranchia sp.) is named for its large siphon that looks like a snout.

    They regulate buoyancy with an ammonia-filled internal chamber, (通过装满氨气的内腔调节浮力)

    Like all squids it moves around using the siphon to jettison water. 

    The average size of adult is around 4 inches (100 mm).

    The body consists of a large funnel with small paddle-like fins. 

    They have small tentacles above their eyes.  

    buoyancy 浮力

    internal chamber 内腔    ;  汽车上的燃烧室叫做 combustion chamber

    funnel 漏斗;(轮船或蒸汽机车上的)烟囱

    fin (飞机、火箭、炸弹等的) 翼 ; 鳍

    tentacle (海洋动物的)触手,触角

    The researchers explained: ‘[The animals are] able to regulate buoyancy with an ammonia-filled internal chamber, this stunning squid is often observed with its tentacles flared above its head.’

    The chance encounter occurred at the remote coral atoll located 1,000 miles south of Hawaii.

    ‘Able to regulate buoyancy with an ammonia-filled internal chamber, this stunning squid is often observed with its tentacles flared above its head like a wild hairdo or as one team member called it – reindeer antlers.’  

    hairdo (尤指女性的)发型,发式(尤指别出心裁的或为某一特殊场合而做的发型)

    reindeer antlers 驯鹿角














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      本文标题:夏威夷海域发现罕见生物 外观像小猪又像驯鹿
