宋慧乔因“性格不合” 与宋仲基离婚 , 2年婚姻划下句号

宋慧乔因“性格不合” 与宋仲基离婚 , 2年婚姻划下句号

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2019-06-28 09:26 被阅读2次



Descendants Of The Sun stars Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo to divorce

The Korean actor says he does not want to argue over who is to blame and wants the process to be wrapped up amicably.  

Descendants Of The Sun《太阳的后裔》

argue over 辩论某事,为…争论

wrap up 圆满完成 (工作); 达成 (协议)

Korean star couple, Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo, are headed for divorce. The actor released an official statement through his lawyer on Thursday (Jun 27), in which he said he has “begun the process of filing for divorce”.

be headed for divorce 要和另一半分手

official statement 正式声明

file for divorce 申请离婚



He apologised “for delivering this unfortunate news to the many fans who love and care for me” but said that he did not want to point fingers over who was to blame for the end of the marriage.“Rather than denouncing one another and arguing over who is to blame, I hope that the divorce process can be wrapped up amicably.”

denounce 英文解释“If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil” 谴责

Song said it was difficult to discuss the details of his personal life and called for everyone’s understanding. He also said he would recover from his “current wounds” and would do his best to repay the fans with “great productions in the future”.

personal life 私生活;个人生活

current wounds 现在的伤痛

repay with 用…来偿还 

repay injury with kindness 以德报怨

repay kindness with ingratitude 以怨报德

Song’s lawyer confirmed that the divorce was filed at the Seoul Family Court on Wednesday.

Song Hye-kyo, 37, was last seen in the romantic TV series Encounter with co-star Park Bo-gum. According to several media reports, Park's agency on Thursday said they would take "strict legal action" against any rumours being spread in regard to the two co-stars.

co-star 联合主演;合演的明星


大家好,这里是宋慧乔(Song Hye-kyo)经纪公司韩国UAA。




In a separate statement, Song Hye-kyo's agency asked the public to avoid "speculative media reports and comments" on the split, adding that the reason for divorce was "a difference in personality".

separate statement 附加声明

speculative media reports and comments 煽动性报道以及推测性的留言

Fans rushed to social media to mourn the breakup of what some called the "perfect couple".

mourn 为 (失去) …而痛惜

News of the divorce, which broke Thursday morning, dominated both the South's Naver portal, with six of its top 10 search terms linked to it, and Twitter in the country, where the top four trending words were related.

NAVER(네이버)是著名社交软件LINE的母公司,也是韩国的最大的搜索引擎和门户网站,是韩国股票市场上市值最大的互联网公司。业务遍布韩国、日本、台湾及东南亚 。

search terms 检索词;检索项目

The high-profile couple, dubbed the SongSong couple, got married in October 2017 after they both starred in the mega-hit TV series Descendants Of The Sun in 2016.

high-profile 备受瞩目的;知名度高的

mega-hit 影视大片

According to Koreaboo, just one month ago, Song had said that his marriage had led him to become “more emotionally stable”. He said this during a press conference for his latest drama Arthdal Chronicles. “Nothing changed too drastically, but I do feel like I’ve become more emotionally stable as a result. I feel like all married people would understand this feeling.”

Arthdal Chronicles 《阿斯达年代记》press conference 记者招待会,新闻发布会

Song Hye-kyo first gained fame with a role in the 2000 TV series Autumn in My Heart and was among the guests at a state dinner in Beijing when South Korean President Moon Jae-in visited China in 2017.

Autumn in My Heart 《蓝色生死恋》


to go our separate ways 分道扬镳;各奔东西 

end the marriage 结束婚姻

break up with sb 与某人关系破裂

commit the vows 宣誓(结婚)

infidelity 对婚姻的不忠;不贞的行为;

seven-year itch  七年之痒(指夫妻婚后七年常会出现相互厌倦的情况)

sense of freshness 新鲜感

neglecting sb's feeling 忽略某人感受

drift apart 关系疏远;各奔东西

pull through  渡过难关;同舟共济















    本文标题:宋慧乔因“性格不合” 与宋仲基离婚 , 2年婚姻划下句号
