2018-10-10 China Rises

作者: JoeJiang | 来源:发表于2018-10-10 20:35 被阅读66次

    Last time, about Otc.04, 2018, I saw an article talking about China has "designs" in Europe from some newsletter website, then thus today's topic is the development of our country, we are living in a peaceful, amicable mainland, like a great national "hen"!

    Surely, in our country, we have a long-term during low work-class in the past but nowadays it done conversely! Chinese economic rise in leap and bounds in recent years. -particularly since reform and opening up, and under the new policy of "The Belt &Road(B&R)", these national policies carry our enterprise, energy and so forth to a brand-new milestone. Even our foreign policy will affect all over the world to build a community with a shared future for mankind together.
    确实,我们的国家,我们过去长期处于落后挨打的工人阶级,不过我们现在不同了!近年来,中国经济实现了快速与飞跃发展。—— 特别是改革开放以来,在“一带一路”的新政策下,国家的政策把我们的企业、能源等推向了一个全新的里程碑。甚至我们的外交政策将不断的影响着全世界,实现人类命运共同体。

    "Building a community with a shared future for mankind is in essence to connect the prospects and destinies of every nation and country closely together." --Xi Jinping, Chinese presiden
    人类命运的共同体,顾名思义,就是每个民族,每个国家的前途命运都紧紧的联系在一起。 --- 中国主席,习近平

    With facing the state of the art in some field of our country's industry, the Chinese market has a role to pay, toward the overseas market really. And not only Europeans, Africans, even Japanese...will thirsty more cooperate with Chinese firms, they yearn many opportunities from the Chinese market and government support, to make both sides richer.

    As China rises, more bilateral trading relationship with Chinese firms has seemed easier here to stay than before. Chinese openness policy will open bigger and bigger but by global norms. On issues such as national challenge, we have an ability to do humane development for the world, while should be mindful of rival still being, seeking to uphold world's peace!

    Joel. 2018.10.10 (原创)



        本文标题:2018-10-10 China Rises
