The righteous’ result

作者: 紫罗兰Shirley | 来源:发表于2019-05-01 13:06 被阅读3次

    “…the desire of the righteous will granted.” Proverbs10:24

    Because this is a legitimate wish, God will answer. Let us obey the Lord’s commandments, so that God will honor our wishes. If the heart of the righteous is wicked and bent on evil, their prayer will not be heard, for they have gone astray. Conversely, God will not say “no” to them if their heart is in the right place. If our concerns are the holiness, like Jesus, God shall bless us doubly. On the way to the Lord’s rules, we may open our mouth wide, and ask boldly.

    In God’s eyes, the desires of the wicked are never answered. They walk in their own way instead of God’s rules, even though they still want to gain happiness, it is unavailable. They sow evil, but expect to reap the good. Evil will bring death and unhappiness no matter how long the punishment is delayed. “Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” James1:15

    The purposes of the righteous are to seek for happiness and peace. So long as people walk in the God’s way, they can gain new life. The more they miss the God’s words, the more God will let them realize their wishes easily. The result of righteous is the everlasting help, strength, and new life Jesus offers, just as the result of evil is sorrow. So, we must follow God’s commandments…

    “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will be also reap.” Galatians6:7



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