

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-09-08 21:22 被阅读0次


Jack Welch. Ge chief who became a business superstar, dies at 84.

Jack Welch who like General Electric through two decades of extraordinary corporate prosperity and became the most influential business manager of his general died at 84 on Saturday.

Competitive and blind, MR will became the chief executive of General Electric in 1981, the company's revenue jumped nearly fivefold to $113 billion during MR. Welsh Welch, the turn ocean, well the value of its shares on the stock market so the sword from$14 billion to more than $410 billion.

The Welsh year of ge combines strategy, strategic, strategic, strategic, strategic insights with  Managerial innovations. Mister Welch early on recognized the rise of Asia, then LED by Japan as a manufacturing powerhouse, and he shared the businesses that he deemed vulnerable, vulnerable moving into new ones.

He attacked bureaucracy and made sweeping payroll cuts creating a more entrepreneurial if more Darwin corporate culture. And he made the ge far more dependent on finance as banking and investment guru as a share of the American in economy.

Mister Welch distilled his management concepts into one sentence nugget bureaucrats must be ridiculed and removed if we wait for the perfect answer the world will pass us by.


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