Leon and Amy:
考试,Exam,examination, test, testing.
她很快就要考试了,现在正在努力准备。She is going to take the exam soon, and now she is working hard to get ready. 努力,hard. 准备,ready.
他是个好学生,老师们都喜欢他。He is a good student, the teachers like him. 学生,student. 老师,teacher. 记得当年上高一,军训时有一次英语老师到宿舍看我们,有同学看到了就说:Teacher Zhou来了。老师马上说:应该是说Mr. Zhou,没有Teacher Zhou这样的叫法。
好好做作业,考试时别作弊。Do your homework well and don't cheat in the exam. 作业,homework. 作弊,cheat.
他是个书呆子,只喜欢看书,很少出去玩。He is a bookworm/nerd, only likes reading, seldom goes out. 书呆子,bookworm/nerd, 口语中用nerd比较多. 很少,seldom.
如果这次考试不及格,他就不能毕业了。If he doesn't pass this exam, he can not graduate. 如果,if. 及格、通过, pass. 毕业,graduate.
如果你通过了这些测试,你就能升职了。If you pass these tests, you can get a promotion / get promoted. 升职,promotion.
明天早点起床,你有一个面试。Get up early tomorrow, you have an interview. 面试,interview.
他总是能在考试中获得好成绩。He always gets good grades/results in the exams. 成绩,grade, result.
恭喜你,你通过了我们的考验。Congratulations, you have passed our test. 恭喜,congratulations.
没有付出,就没有收获。No pain, no gain. 收获,gain. pain是痛苦的意思,No pain, no gain.是一句俗语。