20190601 SAT
Frank Lucas, the former Harlem drug kingpin whose life and lore inspired the 2007 movie "American Gangster," has died, a relative said Friday.
Lucas, who was 88, died Thursday in New Jersey, nephew Aldwan Lassiter said. Lucas had been in declining health, according to his former lawyer.
kingpin: the most important person within a particular organization
in declining health 健康每况愈下
Raised in North Carolina, Lucas climbed the ranks of crime in Harlem in the 1960s and '70s, becoming a major drug dealer known for supplying huge amounts of particularly potent heroin.
He said it netted him millions, and authorities seized over $500,000 in cash when they raided his house in Teaneck, New Jersey, in 1975. He was convicted and sentenced to decades in prison, but he turned informant and was released after about five years.
climbed the ranks of :climb很形象,一步步上位
potent:very powerful, forceful, or effective
net:to get something good or to earn a lot of money from something
He was convicted and sentenced to…
Lucas was a fixture on the film set, giving Washington advice on such details as how he carried his gun.
The movie got awards buzz but also brought scrutiny of claims in Lucas' legend, particularly a portrayal of him smuggling drugs in U.S. soldiers'caskets during the Vietnam War.
buzz:a rumor or report
The film's assertion that Lucas rooted out a heap of law enforcement corruption also was called into question,and a group of former federal drug enforcement agents claimed in a lawsuit that the movie grossly misrepresented the truth and defamed them. That lawsuit was tossed out.
assertion:a statement that you strongly believe is true
root out:to find and remove a person or thing that is causing a problem
Lucas, who lived in Newark in recent years,had another brush with the law in 2012: He pleaded guilty to lying to try cashing in twice on a $17,000 federal disability benefit check. Lucas, who came to court in a wheelchair, was sentenced to five years'probation, with prosecutors saying they agreed to it because of his poor health and advanced age.
have a brush with:have an encounter or come in conflict with
与 ... 发生冲突、摩擦
plead guilty:认罪
disability benefit:伤残补助
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