文章来自:公众号黑胶图书馆 <写在前面>就像昨天我们的文章末尾说的那样:“每个时代都该有灵魂乐。”同样的,不管在什...
Were it not for Franklin's puritan origin, Franklin would...
读《Benjamin Franklin》, 讲到Franklin 为了创办自己的新报纸,利用笔名Busy- Bod...
Franklin Roosevelt /ˈrozəvɛlt/ (January 30, 1882 – April ...
Benjamin Franklin may be the most prolific man in all of ...
Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of Amer...
You've probably heard that Ben Franklin kind of proposed ...
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN was born in Milk Street, Boston, on Jan...
Letter to a Young Friend by Benjamin Franklin I know of n...
Text From an early age, Franklin began collecting stamps....
本文标题:Aretha Franklin