
作者: 如果我热爱性感的我 | 来源:发表于2019-08-04 08:52 被阅读1次

    Aunt Xue listened to Xue's letter and asked, "You heard your uncle say, what is it?"

    How did you kill people?" The boy said, "The younger one didn't listen to the truth. On that day, Grandpa told Erye that-

    Then he looked back and saw nobody before he said, "Grandpa said: Since the special interests of the family, Grandpa

    I have no heart, so I have to go to the south to buy goods. Today I want to make an appointment with a man, who is in the second year of our city.

    More than one hundred people live. Grandpa went to see him. He met Jiang Yuxin, who had been good to him before, and brought some small operas into the city.

    Grandpa ate and drank with him in a shop. Because when the groove tried to look at Jiang Yu's letter, the uncle got angry.

    Now. Later Jiang Yuxin left. The next day, Grandpa invited the man he was looking for to drink. After drinking, I think of the first day.

    Call that when the trough to change wine, that when the trough came late, the uncle scolded. If the man refuses to comply, the uncle will take it.

    Start the wine bowl and beat him. Who knows that man is also a shrewd person, so he put his head out and called the uncle to fight. Grandpa smashes the bowl

    His head burst into blood and lay on the ground. If you scold in the head, you won't speak in the back. Aunt Xue

    Does nobody advise you? The little fellow said, "This did not hear the elder man say, the younger dare not speak in vain." Xue

    "You go to rest first," said the aunt. The boy promised to come out.

    Aunt Xue came here to see Mrs. Wang and asked Mrs. Wang to turn to Jia Zheng. When Jia Zheng asked about it, he had to respond vaguely.

    I just said that when Xue Scorpio handed in his submission, I'd like to see how he approved it in his own county, and then make sense. Here Aunt Xue is in the pawnshop again.

    Cashed the money and sent the boy to catch up. Three days later, when there was an answer, Aunt Xue went on to ask the little girl to tell Bao.

    Chai, come and see it in a hurry. It only reads:

    Bring Yinliang with you to make an official fee. My brother is in prison, and he doesn't suffer much. Please rest assured. It's here alone.

    The people were very cunning, and they refused to accept the witnesses of their dead relatives. Even the friend invited by their brother helped them. I am related to Li Xiang.

    Happy to find a good gentleman, Xu He Yinzi, who was born in a strange place, came up with an idea that he had to drag along with his brother to drink.

    Wu Liang, a wine maker, let him be saved and let him take away his captivity. If he did not comply, he said that Zhang San had been killed.

    Put it on the foreigners. If he can't eat, it's easy. I followed him and Wu Liang came out. Now buy a corpse

    As a witness, he made another submission, which he delivered the day before yesterday. If you approve it today, please see the submission.

    Because I read the bottom line again:

    He was born in Nanjing and sent to Xijing to defend his brother's wrongs.

    On the day of a certain year, the spare book goes south for trade. Within a few days, the slaves sent letters home saying that when they were killed, they would run to constitutional rule.

    My brother injured Zhang by mistake. When he arrived at the nursery, according to his brother's sobbing, he did not recognize his surname as Su, and there was no enemy gap. Occasional Alcohol Exchange

    When my brother spilled wine on the floor, Zhang San bowed his head and picked up his belongings. He lost his hand in a moment, and the wine bowl touched the gate by mistake and died. Mone interrogation,

    My brother was afraid of being punished and admitted that he had been beaten to death. The benevolence of the Mongolian constitutional heaven, knowing that there are grievances, has not yet been finalized. Brothers are forbidden.

    Pleading, there are dry prohibitions; living brothers and feet, presenting in the face of death. Fu Qixian's benevolence permits interrogation, Kai En Moda, Sheng et al.

    The whole family looks up to Dai Hongren. Never will it be! Be eager to present it.

    The approval is:

    The corpse yard examination proved that the evidence was conclusive. And did not use the sentence, brother confessed to fighting, confessed in the case. Come far now, and

    If you do not witness it, why should you fabricate false accusations? You should be punished for your sins. You should remember your brothers'affection and forgive them. Forbid.

    Aunt Xue heard it and said, "Isn't that too late to save? How good is that?" Baochai said, "Two

    Brother's book hasn't finished yet. There's more behind it." Because he read again, "There is an important question to make it known."

    Aunt Xue asked the visitor. Because he said, "The County knew we had enough home. Must work hard in Beijing

    Feelings, a big gift, you can also review, from light to final. The wife must hurry up at this time and be afraid of the uncle later.

    It's going to suffer." Aunt Xue listened and asked the younger brother to go by himself. She immediately went to Jia Fu and Mrs. Wang to explain the original story and pleaded with Jia.

    Politics. Jia Zheng was only willing to talk to Zhixian, not to mention silver. Aunt Xue was afraid of being useless, begging Sister Feng and Jia Lian to say

    It took thousands of silver to buy Zhixian.

    Xue scorpion also got it through there, and then Zhixian was listed and sitting in the courtyard, spreading a group of neighbors, witnesses, corpse relatives and so on.

    Xue Bian was put forward in prison, and all the clerks in the prison room called names one by one. Zhixian then called Dibao to give a confession to the early Ming Dynasty, and also called the corpse Prince Zhang Wang's union.

    Ask Uncle Zhang Er. Zhang Wang cried, "The little man is Zhang Da, who lived in Nanxiang and died in eighteen years.

    The eldest son and the second son also died. Just leave this dead son, Zhang San, 23 years old, not yet.

    There are married women. Poor for the small family, no support, as a trough in Li's shop. At noon that day, Li

    The shop sent for me and said, "Your son has been killed." My heavenly lord! The younger is frightened to death! Run!

    When I got there, I saw my son lying in the ground breathing with his head broken, and I could not speak to him. It was not long before I asked him.

    He died. The little man is going to grab this little bastard and fight for his life! _____________ With a shout from the ministries, Zhang Wang kowtowed and said, "Please.

    Lord Qingtian avenges his wrongs! This is the only son of the villain."

    Zhixian called, "Go down." Another person called Li Jiadian asked, "Is that the third one a domestic worker in your shop?"

    Li Erhui said, "Not a servant, but a trough." Zhixian Dao: "On that day in the corpse yard, you said that Zhang Sanxue

    Did you see the bowl smashed to death by a cigarette? Li Er said, "The younger one is on the cabinet. He hears people asking for wine in the guest room.

    Not more than once, I heard him say,'No, I hurt you!' The little one ran in and saw Zhang San lying in the ground, neither.

    Speech. When he was young, he cried out for the protection of nature and told his mother that he had gone. How on earth did they fight? I really don't know.

    Ask your Lord if he knows what he's drinking." Zhixian drinks, "You have seen the confession in the first instance. Why don't you say it now?"

    See you! Li Erdao said, "The little day before yesterday bluffed and talked nonsense." The ministry shouted again. Zhixian then called Wu Liang and asked, "You

    Are you drinking in the same place? How did Xue Pan fight? Give me the truth! " Wu Liang said, "When I was younger, I was at home, this Xue."

    Grandpa told me to drink. He was disgusted with the bad wine. He wanted to change it, but Zhang San refused. Uncle Xue was angry and spilled wine on his face.

    I don't know how to touch that head. I saw it with my own eyes." Zhixian Road: "Nonsense, Xue at the corpse yard the day before yesterday

    You said you saw it with your own eyes. Why is the supply right today? Palm your mouth! " The ministry promised to do so.

    Fight. Wu Liang pleaded, "Xue Bianshi did not fight with Zhang San, and the wine bowl fell off and hit his head. Ask the Master

    Xue Bian, that's grace!"

    Zhixian called Xue Pan and asked, "What exactly is the feud between you and Zhang San? How did you die after all?

    Come on." Xue Bian said, "Please be kind to the old man. The young man didn't beat him. He refused to change his wine, so he threw it on the floor. No

    He missed it for a moment and the wine bowl hit him on the head by mistake. The younger one is busy hiding his blood, where he knows it can't hide it anymore.

    Drink too much, and die once. In the corpse yard the day before yesterday, I was afraid that the old man would fight, so I said that I would smash him with a bowl. just to

    Grandpa, be merciful!" Zhixian then drank, "What a foolish thing! When the county asks you how you hit him, you confess to annoying him."

    No change of wine, only smashed, and today's supply is a missed touch! Zhixian pretends to be powerful and needs to be caught between the two. Xue Bian took a bite

    Fixed. Zhixian is called Jizuo: "Fill in the wounds in the corpse yard the day before yesterday and report them according to the facts." She reported, "The day before yesterday, we got it."

    Three corpses were not injured, but the fontanel door was injured by magnets. It was one inch and seven minutes long, five minutes deep, skin open, bone fragile and three points fractured.

    It's a knock and bruise.

    If Zhixian checked the dead bodies in accordance with the figures, he would have known that the officials were lighter and not refuted, so he would have called the confession of paintings in disorder. Zhang Wang cried out:

    "Master Qingtian! How many injuries did you hear the day before yesterday? Why haven't there been any injuries today?" Zhixian Road: "This woman is nonsense!

    You don't know about the existing body? Calling uncle Zhang Er, he asked, "How many injuries do you know your nephew died?"

    Zhang Erbusy confessed, "A wound in the head." Zhixian said, "But come again." Ask the bookkeeper to show the body to Zhang Wang, and

    Call the land security guard and the corpse uncle to point out and look at him: the existing corpse yard for personal detention and testimony, not fighting, not fighting, only depend on

    He ordered the painting confession to be injured by mistake and kept Xue Pan in detention until he was fully detained. He then ordered the former Bao to withdraw from the court. Zhang Wang cried and screamed, and Zhixian screamed.

    The government banished him out. Zhang Er also advised Zhang Wang to say, "Really hurt by mistake, how can I depend on others? Now the old man is clear, don't do it."

    No more nonsense."

    Xue scorpion inquired outside and understood that he liked it in his heart, so he sent someone home to deliver letters. When he got back the details, he could make some atonement.

    And there's a waiting letter. Just listen to the legend of three or two on the way: "A noble concubine clicked, the emperor dropped out of the dynasty for three days." Here is Liling

    It's not far to sleep. The county runs a poor pavement. It's not helpful to live here for a while. It's better to go to prison and tell my brother:

    "Wait, I'll go home and come back in a few days." Xue Pan was also afraid of his mother's pain. He sent a letter saying, "I'm all right, I must be."

    Xu Yamen spent several more times to go home. Just don't worry about money." Xue Qiao left Li Xiang here to take care of him.

    When I went home, I met Aunt Xue. Chen said that he knew how the county was benevolent and how to judge. Finally, I decided to get hurt by mistake: "Dead relatives in the future."

    If you spend more money in it, you'll be fine as soon as you make atonement." Aunt Xue was relieved to hear that for the time being, she said, "I'm looking forward to seeing you at home.

    Should. Jia's family should have thanked him, and Zhou's concubine clicked. They went in every day and the house was empty. I want to

    Go and take care of my aunt and wife and keep company, but there's nobody in our house. You're here just right. Xue Tao:

    "I was outside, and I heard that Princess Jia had clicked, so I came back. Our mother is fine, how can we do it?

    Dead?" Aunt Xue said, "If I had an illness last year, I would be all right. This time, I didn't hear what was wrong with Niang Niang.

    I only heard that the old lady was not very useful for the first few days in that mansion. Closed her eyes, she saw the princess and wife. Everyone was not at ease. Until

    Sounds like nothing. In the evening of Big Qian Er, the old lady said to herself,'How can the Princess Yuanfei be alone?'

    People come to me?' People always believe what they think when they are sick. The old lady said,'You don't believe it, Princess Yuanfei.

    And I said, "It's easy to get rid of glory. You have to step back." Everyone said,'Who doesn't want it? It's old.

    Think about what's going on before and after. So it's not the right thing to do. Just the next morning, I got up early, and there was a lot of noise inside, talking about Niang Niang.

    In case of serious illness, Xuan Di instructed him to go in and say hello. They were so surprised that they rushed in. They haven't come out yet, I

    Your family has heard the death of Princess Zhou. It's not surprising that you think of the blasphemy outside, the suspicion at home, and just bump into one place.

    Strange?" Baochai said, "It's not only the external blasphemy but also the word"Niang"at home.

    It's all busy, and it won't be clear until later. For these girls in that mansion these two days, they knew it wasn't us.

    The mother of the family. I said,'Where are you sure? He said:'In January of the past few years, the provinces recommended a calculation.

    The fate is very accurate. The old lady asked people to put the eight characters of Yuanfei in the eight characters of the girls and send them out for him to calculate.

    He said, "The girl whose birthday is on the first day of the first lunar month is afraid of the wrong time; otherwise, she is really a noble person, too.

    It can't be in this mansion." The master and the crowd said, "No matter what his mistake is, count in eight words." Then the gentleman said, "A

    Shennian, the first month of Binyin, these four words, there are "injured officers" and "lost money". But the word "Shen" contains "official" Roma.

    That's what we can't afford at home, and it's not good at all. This day is Yimao, Muwang in early spring, although it is "shoulder to shoulder".

    The better you know there, the better it is, just like that good wood, the more it is cut, the better it becomes. What goes on when you like it alone

    What kind of "official" Roma Duwang: This is called "Flying Romage". What about "Day"

    When it comes to special salaries, they are very valuable. "Tian Yue Er De" sits on its own destiny, and you are favored by the pepper house. This girl, if it's the time

    Yes, it must be a master's wife." Isn't that correct? We still remember saying, "It's a pity that the glory is not long; it's only a pity.

    Fear of meeting Yin Nian Mao Yue, this is "Bi" and "Bi", "robbery" and "robbery". For example, good wood, too much to do.

    Delicate and exquisite, the essence is not strong. They have forgotten all these words and are just fooling around. I just remembered. Notice.

    Tell our grandmother, where is the moon in Yinnian this year? Before Baochai had finished this, Xue said urgently, "Don't say goodbye.

    Mind other people's business. With this fairy fortune-telling, I think what evil star my brother has been ordered to suffer such a tragedy this year?

    I'll figure it out for him and see if there's any hindrance. Baochai said, "He is from other provinces. I wonder if he will be in Beijing this year.

    It's there." Say, then call Aunt Xue to Jia Fu.

    When he got there, only Li Qi Tanchun waited at home and then asked, "What happened to Grandpa?" Aunt Xue

    Mother said, "Wait till your superior finds out. It seems that you can't commit a death sentence." You can rest assured. "Last night," Tanchun said.

    The wife thought, "Something happens when she goes home. She relies on her aunt and wife to take care of her. Now she has something to do, and it's hard to mention it." In mind

    Just don't worry. Aunt Xue said, "I am sad at home. It's just your eldest brother, your two brothers.

    What's the use of your sister alone? Besides, our daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law are not very clear.

    So you can't get out of here. Nowadays, the county is preparing for Zhou Guifei's mission, so it can't settle the case.

    When your two brothers come back, I have to come and see them." "It would be better to invite my aunt and wife to stay here for a few days." Xue

    The aunt nodded and said, "I'm going to be here with your sisters too, just your little sister to be calm." Cherish spring

    "Aunt wants to think about it. Why don't you invite Sister Bao over?" Aunt Xue smiled and said, "No way."

    Xichun said, "Why not? How did he live first?" Li Yi said, "You don't understand. Family now

    What's the matter? How can I get here? Cherish Spring is also believed to be true, inconvenient to ask again.

    Just then, when Jia Mu came back, she met Aunt Xue and asked him about Xue Bian, even though she couldn't say hello. Aunt Xue

    It's stated once. Baoyu listened to a passage of Jiang Yu's letter. When he was not asked, he looked at it in his heart and said, "He has returned.

    Beijing, why don't you come and see me? I don't know why Baochai didn't come. A dull thought in one's heart

    And it happened that Daiyu also came to say hello. Baoyu felt a little fond of it and interrupted the thought of Baochai's coming with his sister.

    They had dinner with the old lady. Aunt Xue will live in the old lady's apartment when everyone is gone.

    When Baoyu returned to her room and changed her clothes, she suddenly remembered the sweat towel Jiang Yu wrote to her and said to her attacker, "You

    Did you have the red sweat scarf you didn't wear that year? The attacker said, "I put it aside and asked him what to do?"

    Baoyu said, "I ask in vain." "You didn't hear Uncle Xue confronting these bastards, so you got into trouble with people," he said.

    What else do you mention at the end of your life? If you have such white worries, you might as well study quietly and forget about them.

    It's okay to put aside the important things." Baoyu said, "I don't make a fuss about anything. Sometimes I think about it. It's either right or wrong. I'm white.

    Ask me, you have these words." The attacker laughed and said, "I'm not talking too much. A man who knows how to behave well should go.

    That's what buttering up is all about. Even if the beloved comes, let him look at him like respect. When Baoyu is mentioned by the attacker, it will be convenient.

    Said: "Great! Just now I was at the old lady's side, saw many people, did not talk to sister Lin, he did not ignore me.

    At the end of the day, he left first. At this time, he must be in the house. I'll come as soon as I go. Say that and go. "Come back soon," he said.

    It's all about me. I'm glad to hear that."

    Baoyu did not reply, but bowed her head and went all the way to Xiaoxiang Pavilion. Daiyu was leaning against the desk to read. Baoyu Goes

    Coming up to him, he said with a smile, "My sister has come back early?" Daiyu also laughed and said, "You ignore me, what am I still doing there?"

    Are you? Baoyu smiled and said, "They talk a lot. I can't cut in, so I didn't talk to you." One side

    Looking at the book Daiyu read, none of the words in the book were recognized. Some are like the word "peony"; some are like the word "boundless";

    There is also a "big" word next to the word "nine" with a tick, and in the middle with a "five" word; there is also a "five" above.

    The word "six" was added with the word "wood", and the word "five" was added below. Looking strange, wondering, then

    Said: "My sister has been more and more in recent days, looking at the book of heaven." Daiyu sneered and said, "What a good student!

    Man, I haven't even seen a piano score? Bao Yudao said, "Why don't you know the music score? Why don't you have any words on it?"

    Do you recognize it, sister? Daiyu said, "I don't know what he's doing?" Baoyu said, "I don't believe it. Never did I believe it."

    You can play the piano when you hear it. There are several pieces hanging in our study. The year before last, a Mr. Qingke was named Jihao.

    Gu, the master bothered him to touch a song. He took down the piano and said, "If the old man is happy, he will have another day."

    Come with the piano and ask for advice. If our Lord doesn't understand it, he won't come. Why do you have the ability to hide it?" Dai Yudao:

    "I don't really know. The day before yesterday, I felt a little comfortable. I read books on a big bookshelf and read a set of music. It was very interesting.

    The piano theory mentioned above is very clear, and the technique is also clear. It is really the time for the ancients to keep calm. I'm in Yangzhou, and I listen.

    We have to pay attention to it and have learned it, but if we don't do it, there will be no more. This is really a three-day no play, hand thorns.

    Looking at these pieces the day before yesterday, there are no songs. Only by naming them, can I look elsewhere for a book with songs to read.

    Meaning. It's really hard how to play well. The book says: Shikuang drum and piano, can come wind, thunder, dragon and phoenix. Confucian Sage

    Shang Xueqin was taught by Shixiang, who was known as the King of Literature. Alpine and flowing waters, you have to meet bosom friends." At this point, the eyelids are slight.

    Move slightly and lower your head slowly.

    Baoyu was listening happily and said, "Good sister, what you said is really interesting. It was only I who saw the words above.

    I don't know. How many do you teach me? Daiyu said, "If you don't need to teach, you can know it by saying it." Baoyu Dao: "I

    He's a fool. He has to teach me to add a tick to the word "big" and a "five" in the middle. Daiyu laughed and said, "Here it is."

    The word "big" is "nine emblems" on the piano with the thumb of the left hand, and the word "five" is the right hook.

    "Five strings" is not a word, but a sound: it is extremely easy. And chanting, kneading, chuo, note, bumping, walking,

    Flying, pushing and so on are techniques. Baoyu was so happy that she said, "Good sister, you know how to play the piano, we

    Why not learn? Daiyu said, "The piano is forbidden. Under the system of the ancients, they used to govern themselves, cultivate their temperament and restrain their lewdness.

    Go to its luxury. If you want to play the piano, you must choose Gaozhai in the quiet room, or above the floors, in the woods and stones, or at the top of the mountain.

    Up, or on the water. Once again, when the sky and the earth are peaceful, the wind is clear and the moon is clear, incense burning is sitting quietly, the heart is not thinking, the spirit

    Peace in blood is the only way to be in harmony with God and Tao. So the ancients said,'Bosom friend is hard to meet. If you don't know, you'd rather be alone.

    In the light of the clear wind, bright moon, pines, strange rocks, wild apes and cranes, the old crane caressed for the piano in order to be interested in it. There is one more.

    Layer, but also good fingering, good intonation. If you need to play the piano, you must first dress neatly, or crane cloak or deep clothes, like the ancients.

    The image table, that can be called the sage's instrument. Then he washed his hands and burned incense before putting his body on the bed and the piano on it.

    On the case, sitting in the place of the fifth emblem, facing his own caution, both hands are calmly raised: this is the right mind and body.

    We also need to know the importance, ease and respectful posture. Baoyu Dao: "We learn to play, if so.

    It's hard to find out."

    As they were talking, they saw Zicuckoo coming in, saw Baoyu, and laughed and said, "Bao Erye is so happy today!"

    Baoyu laughed and said, "The more you listen, the more you like it." "No," said Zicuckoo.

    That's a pleasure. It's what Erye said when he came to our side. Baoyu said, "My sister was uncomfortable at first, and I was afraid of it."

    He was annoyed by the noise. Moreover, I went to school again, so it was remarkably alienated. Without waiting to finish, Zicuckoo said, "Girl

    That's good, too. Second Master said so, sit down and let the girl rest. Don't tell the girl to just pay attention to hard work.

    Baoyu laughed and said, "But I just love listening and forget my sister's hard work." Daiyu laughed and said, "That's all right."

    Heart, there is no trouble. I'm just afraid I'll just say, you just don't understand it." Baoyu Road: "Vertical and horizontal slowly

    Naturally I see." Then he stood up and said, "Take a rest for your serious sister. Tomorrow I'll tell my three sisters and

    Four sisters go and tell them to learn. Let me listen. Daiyu laughed and said, "You're too used. Just like everybody learns

    You don't understand it, but it's not right --"Daiyu said there, and when she remembered what was on her mind, she shut her mouth, No.

    Ken went on. Baoyu smiled and said, "As long as you can play, I will love to listen, regardless of'cow'or'cow'.

    Yes." Daiyu blushed and snowy geese laughed.

    So he went out the door. See autumn pattern with a little girl, holding a small pot of orchids, said: "There is a wife over there.

    Four pots of orchids were sent. Because something was happening inside, I didn't have time to play with him, so I called Erye a basin and Lin a basin.

    When Daiyu looked at it, she had a few twigs and twins. Suddenly she moved in her heart. She did not know whether she was happy or sad, so she stared blankly.

    At this time, Baoyu was only concentrating on the piano and said, "If my sister has orchids, she can do"Yilan Cao". Dai

    Jade listened, but she felt uncomfortable. Back in the room, looking at the flowers, I thought, "When the grass and trees are in spring, flowers and leaves are flourishing, I miss you."

    Young, like Puliu in Sanqiu. If you can, or gradually come to good. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's just like the flowers and willows.

    Spring, how can we forbid the wind and rain to send! " Thought of there, can not help but shed tears. The azalea saw such a sight beside it, but it did not.

    Can't think of the reason: "Fang Caibaoyu is so happy here, now look at the flowers well, how can you hurt your heart again?"

    Worried and unable to persuade, Baochai sent a messenger.

    What's unknown, decompose next time.



