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看美剧练口语小结 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E

看美剧练口语小结 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E

作者: vvstudy | 来源:发表于2019-07-26 14:14 被阅读4次


    • Your team scored two goals. 你们队得了两分。
    • Give me a break. 饶了我吧
    • Do you have any idea what a bad liar you are?
    • We'll be right down. 我们马上下来
    • Luke got in a fight. 卢克打架了.
    • That's the worst thing you could do. 那是你最不该做的.
    • He probably jumped on Luke and Luke just fought back. 也许是他突然挑衅卢克,而卢克只是反抗而已
      -jumped on sb. 挑衅某人
    • These two knuckleheads were fighting each other. 这两个笨蛋在一起打架。
      -knucklehead /ˈnʌkəlˌhɛd/ n. (美)蠢人,傻瓜
    • That's very elitist of you. 你最聪明.
    • Huddle up. 聚过来。
    • Now in light of what happened at school today, 鉴于今天在学校里发生的事情.
      -in light of 鉴于,根据;
    • I'II be in the den. 我进屋去了.
      -den /dɛn/ 小房间。
    • I do not make a face like that. 我没做过那种表情.
    • I am sorry if you feel that way. 如果你那么想 我很抱歉.
    • you don't have to be so defensive. 你用不着这么有戒心.
    • he heard it wrong. 他听错了.
    • So we're torn. 我们深受折磨. torn (口)难过,伤心,折磨,痛苦。
    • you look at guys. 你们喜欢男人.
    • I think you're smokin' hot. 我觉得你超性感的。
    • What about a seven? 那有7分吗。
    • I might have lowballed a little bit. 我有点低估自己了。 -lowball vt. 向(顾客)虚报低价。
    • Touchy. 他太敏感。
    • I don't know what to say except for that I am really, really sorry. 我不知道该说些什么,只能说我真的非常非常抱歉.
    • Honestly, at first, it was hard. 说实话 一开始 我很难接受.
    • I'm getting used to it. 我正慢慢去习惯。
    • Are we okay? 我们和好了吗?
    • so we're even 这样我们就扯平了。
    • This is so awesome. 太赞了。
    • I always got blamed for a quarterback's clumsy hands. 背黑锅。
      -get blamed for sb.'s mistake. 为别人的错误买单/背黑锅。
    • I'm really trying to block it out. 我正想忘记这事呢.
    • As far as I'm concerned, 我觉得/依我看;就我而言/据我了解.


    • team-mascots 读音叠合现象。Mitchell 听成了 team ascots。
      -Don't forget about the team mascots. 别忘了还有球队的吉祥物
      -They wear ascots? 他们戴"宽领带"吗.

    [/l/ 舌侧音练习语料]。


    • she'll be the most loyal friend you've ever had.
    • You're such a girl.
      -Did you really have to call her that-a gold digger?
    • just tell me one thing.
    • she fell off a mud flap。
    • it was probably your fault.


    • there's book smart, and then there's street smart. -and then there's Luke. 卢克属于第三类。
      -book smart 读书大智慧
      -street smart 市井小聪明
    • antique fountain pens 古董钢笔.
      -fountain n. 喷泉,泉水.
    • I'm quite adept at Japanese flower arrangement- 我很擅长日式插花技术.
      -flower arrangement 插花.
      -ikebana "花道".
    • starting offensive lineman 进攻内锋。
    • the University of Illinois 伊利诺伊大学。
    • home pickle-making 腌菜。 a sack of pickles 一包腌菜。
    • scrapbooking 剪贴簿。
    • French toaster sticks 法式烤面包棒,法棍。
    • the Ohio State. 俄亥俄州
    • What's weird is that her kid wears aftershave and dresses like a count. 怪异的是她的孩子抹须后水,而且打扮得像个伯爵。
      -count n. 伯爵.
    • pageantry n. 壮丽的展示,盛况;正规庆典的传统特征.
    • mascots n. 吉祥物.
    • ascots n. 领巾状领带;(大写)英国阿斯科特赛马会.
    • homophobic adj. 害怕同性恋的。
    • musical theater 音乐剧.
    • there are the little roustabouts. 两个壮小伙来了。
      -roustabout n.(美)码头工人;甲板水手;马戏场杂工.
    • You look like you patched things up pretty good. 看来你们和好如初了.
      -patch things up.
    • Righteous Brothers were on. 播着The Righteous Brothers的音乐。
      -Righteous /'raɪtʃəs/ (注意没有卷舌音) a.&ad.&n.正直的,正派的...
      -The Righteous Brothers were the musical duo of Bobby Hatfield and Bill Medley.
    • The whole kit and caboodle, 从头到脚都...
      -Kid and caboodle: 家当
      kit and caboodle: 所有的人
      the whole caboodle: 全体

      Mitchell act上截图
    • earrings 耳环, bracelet 手镯,
    • you don't expect to wake up one morning... with a new mom who looks like she fell off a mud flap. 我是说 谁都不会期望有一天醒来后发现多了一个比自己还年轻性感的后妈吧.
      -who looks like she fell off a mud flap. 让自己看起来像是掉进泥堆里一样----非常形象得形容对比之下觉得自己不如对方了。


    • 足球:在大部分国家叫做 football, 英国足球;
      在美国,加拿大,澳大利亚叫做 soccer; 在美语中football指美式的橄榄球
    • referee n. 裁判员; vi.&vt. 担任裁判;仲裁.
    • corner routes 三角线路.
    • Double tight end, 双侧边锋
    • linebacker 后卫。
    • a quarterback roll-out to the left 四分卫要冲到左边。
    • He's got the slot. 他抢到位置了。
    • In the end zone! Touchdown! 到达阵区了 触地得分。
    • Blitzing 闪电战。
    • a field goal 定位球.
    • a break 暂停。
    • The snap! Fumble! 向后传球 失误了。
    • Center 中位。
    • a quarterback 四分卫。
    • snap 传。



        本文标题:看美剧练口语小结 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E
