As cold as Human-感官写作练习

作者: 疾行慢赏 | 来源:发表于2016-04-04 04:08 被阅读42次

“Ouch!” after a man angrily kicked me, my chubby stone body rolled several rounds, and finally, I stopped in front of a hard brick wall, with heavy breaths. It was the corner of the wall and bench. After I equaled my breaths, I enjoyed the shadow of the bench and sung under the strong sunshine. Before during the sun-intense day, I was almost as hot as a stove, and wanted to jump into icy soda the pedestrian drunk, but never have that chance. As a stone, the moment now I have under the shadow is the happiest time I ever have. The happiness is so simple.

“What a nice place!” But suddenly, I found I was wrong, and the nightmare was coming. There was a man walking his Huskie on the way. And his dog was looking at me with his excited face and keen eyes, he was fast running to me with his watering tongue out of the mouth. When his hot and stinky urine to the corner where I was, unfortunately, my whole body was wrapped up by urine and the strong odor. Now, the only feeling was hate, hated the man who kicked me here, but nobody could kick me back now. I started to daydream so that I could have a chance to forget the miserable reality. I wished I could have legs like that bitchy dog so that I could walk back without a wait, and could take a shower when there was rain. I really did not want to be a stinky stone like now. But I could do nothing, I thought it was the despair that no human being can understand.

After the dog left, a young couple came to sit on the bench. They hold each other tightly and could not stop kissing each other since the moment they sit here. I did not know the feeling of love, and I really wanted to save that feeling. Wait, wait, the man’s face was familiar to me, I finally remember he was the guy who brought another girl here last week. They finally stop kissing, and the man sadly said, “Baby Sarah, you know How much I love you, but my mother is strongly against our relationship.” The girl was silent, and suddenly burst to cry and said “Why don’t you fight with your mother? I love you and want to be with you. It is unfair to me.” The man said peacefully, “We are finished. We have to. I have to marry Susan, even though I do not love her. She has the similar background like me.” The lines sounded similar to what he said to the last week's girl. “You are a liar. You said you would love me as long as I love you. You are as cold as stone.” The girl shouted, and slapped on his face, then ran away. The man kneaded where he got a slap, spit and did not run after Sarah. He lit a cigarette and took out his cell phone, called to Susan. 

I did not want to hear what he talked with Susan, because as a stone who watched millions of people came and go, I knew how human being act differently from speaking. And I promised, not like the human, I had the same inside and outside. Poor human beings,don’t take stones as an example of coldness. You are the coldest creatures in the world, not me. So, please change the phrase into" as cold as human". HAHA!

Last edit_4/3/2016

Techniques: A sensual memory

In this paragraph, I tried to use a variety of verbs to make the action vivid, and also tried to write with sensual memory and pretend to be a stone.


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    本文标题:As cold as Human-感官写作练习
