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作者: Spartan_Beata | 来源:发表于2017-02-16 23:51 被阅读36次

反思:1、本文是持赞同观点,不如反对好写,于是思前想后磨蹭了好久,感觉像是拼凑出来的几个point,于是整体连贯性以及逻辑结构都不如我意;  2、出发点和落脚点相对来说都较为局限,不像annie那样子宏观大气;      3、写作断断续续,且老是分神,导致整体耗时长、效率低。


Some hold the view that the extended family members are not as important as theyonce were. I strongly disagrees with this statement as whatever changes theworld has witnessed, there is still a strong bond connecting all the familymembers together.

Undoubtedly,we have to admit that Chinese families are in some way falling apart. They usedto live in a big house together, quadrangle dwellings in the northern partparticularly. But now, they live apart, sometimes even far away. Someyoungsters even opt for pursuing their individualism and move out of their homefrom a very early age, let alone alienating themselves from other distantfamily members. But by no means could this indicate the receding of thenecessity and importance of the extended family in our lives. The physicaldistance between members of a family does not necessarily give rise to the alienationand estrangement among them. Thanks to great technological advancement andeconomical boost, more convenient ways of communication are available andaffordable. We can now still keep in touch with our family members via phonecall, video call, voice messages, texts and various other means. Thus our connectionscan still be well maintained and they are always there to offer comfort and sootheaway our nerves or concerns.

Whenin trouble or in extreme cases, like a life-and-death situation, more oftenthan not, we would turn to our extended family members for help. For one thing,they are our closest relatives and we have every right reason to place greattrust on them. For another, they don’t disappoint us with casual excuses fornot offering help. They might not just give us fish to satisfy our urgent need,but also teach us how to fish in an attempt to foster our independence andcompetitiveness. By contrast, there is a great likelihood that some of ourfriends or acquaintances curry favor with us or appreciate our nice things infront of us but speak ill of us when we are not around.

Ina word, extended family still plays a huge role in our life and we should cherishour family members all the time. it is with their help that our life can marchtowards a bright future.


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