A divine calling

作者: 紫罗兰Shirley | 来源:发表于2019-05-30 23:26 被阅读7次

    “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I; send me!" Isa6:8

    Motioning the Lord’s calling, it is easy for us to forget an important thing about the nature of the caller. The sea, the mountains and the iceberg have their own calling; and these callings only can be heard by few people. Calling is an expression of the nature of things. Receiver must have the same temperament, then the calling voice can be heard. God’s calling is the expression of God’s nature, not of our nature. God’s will is that his calling connects with our life tightly and only we can hear the voice. When God says to us directly about something, other people cannot hear. For some special things, it doesn’t work when we discuss with people, we must response to God’s calling alone.

    God’s calling isn’t the reaction of our nature, which is irrelevant with my hobbies. If we only focus on our character and want to know what we can do exactly, we can never hear the Lord’s calling. However, when we have a deep relationship with God, we will face like Isa’s situation. Isa had a close relationship with God because he had experienced some important events. In the surprising atmosphere, God’s calling directly went to his deep heart. Most of time, our ears only hear our own voice, but God’s words cannot be heard. Once we enter God’s calling, it is inevitable that we will be changed thoroughly. 



        本文标题:A divine calling
