Something you don’t know about20

作者: Tiffanylaw | 来源:发表于2018-06-26 22:27 被阅读10次

    In Chinese traditional culture, there arefour great joy in one’s life: seasonable rain fell after a long drought, meetan old friend away from home, enjoy the first wedding night and succeed in agovernmental examination. Now, for some one, they have already met the first greatjoy---succeed in a government examination, the college entrance examination.

    The national college entrance examination isa qualifying examination for qualified high school graduates or candidates withthe same educational level in China. The date of the examination is June 7th,8th. Ever year, the entrance examination attracts the attention allover the country. Now the results of the 2018 college entrance examination arereleased. Let’s explore some data of 2018 college entrance examination. First,I will show some data about college entrance examination and help the candidates to analyze the data. Then I will explore some hotspots of collegeentrance examination and find some interest topic of it. Finally I want people can get some useful informationfrom my visualization.

  The number of applicants and the acceptance rateare fluctuating upward and there was a slight decrease in 733 thousand peoplein 2016. This year, the number of applicants is slightly higher than that ofthe previous year, which will make an effect on the candidates. For those candidates who are very likely to be admitted by Tsinghua University, PekingUniversity or other famous universities, the enrollment increase has littleeffect on them. But the more influential ones will be the candidates ranking inthe middle and lower reaches of the province. They will face a biggerchallenge.

    At 11:30on June 25th, the results of the Guangdong college entrance examination and theminimum control score line for various batch colleges and Universities wereannounced. This year's undergraduate matriculation of liberal arts is 443points, science is 376 points.

    Expect the Undergraduate fractional line, theexamination institute has set a high score priority file line in accordancewith a certain proportion of the undergraduate batch of science and science. Theliberal arts have reached 550 points and the science has reached 500 points. Thisyear, the first-batch and second-batch merger, making the candidates more difficultto apply for school. Some experts analyze that this year, the lowest score ofthe undergraduate batch is similar with the last year's second-batch score lines,and the high-grade portfolio line of the undergraduate batch can be analogousto the first-batch score line last year. In a conclusion, this year's overallscore rose over last year.

  Fromthe cloud graph, we can know what people most are focusing about the 2018 collegeentrance examination. We will find that in this period, people often talk about the college entrance examination score line, the score and some emotions in this period such as scared, happy. It’s also something interesting that the word “Koi”which seems unrelated to college entrance examination is also on the graph. Infact, koi always means good luck on the Internet. So many candidates want koi bring them good luck. Besides, the emtion "scard" is the major emtion of the candidates. From the cloud graph we can find that the words which are similar to "scard" appear many times. Finally this graph also can reflect the new change of this year's college entrance examination. This year, the result of the college entrance can be inquired by WeChat Subscription.



    本文标题:Something you don’t know about20
