《Big Dog ... Little Dog 》[美]P.D.伊斯曼编绘,兰登双语经典丛书之一
“兰登双语经典”系列丛书,是从美国兰登书屋“Beginner Books”品牌书系中精心挑选、结集而成的读物。
《Big Dog ... Little Dog 》是丛书之一。让我们来仔细阅读:

Fred and Ted were friends. Fred was big. Ted was little.

Fred always had money. Ted never had money.

When they walked in the rain, Fred was wet…and Ted was dry.

They both liked music.Fred played the flute.Ted play the tuba.

When they had dinner,Fred ate the spinach…and Ted ate the beets.

When they painted the house ,Fred used green paint.

One day Fred and Ted went away in their cars. Fred went in his green car. Ted went in his red car.
Fred drove his car slowly.
Ted drove his car fast.

They come to a sign.
“where should we go?” asked Fred.
“To the mountains,”said Ted.

When they got the mountains,Ted skied all day long. Fred skated all day long.

When they stopped, Fred was cold. Ted was warm.

By night both of them were very sleepy. “Look!”said Fred.” A small hotel!”

Fred’s room was upstairs.Ted’s room was downstairs.
“Good night, Ted. Sleep well,” said Fred.
“Good night, Fred. Sleep well,”said TED.

But they did not sleep well.
Upstairs.Fred thumped and bumped and tossed and turned.
Down stairs, Ted moaned and groaned and crashed and thrashed all over the bed.

When moring came, fred called ted.
“let’s take a walk,”Fred said to Ted.
“We can walk and talk,”said Ted to Fred.

They walked uphill.
They walked downwill.
They made tall talk. They made small talk.
“Did you get any sleep last night, Ted?”
“None at all,Fred.”
“My bed is too little!”
“My bed is too big!”
“What can we do about it,Ted?”
“I don’t know,Fred.”

“I know what to do!”said the bird.
“Ted should sleep upstairs and Fred should sleep downstairs!”
“The bird’s got the word.”
“back to bed!”yelled Ted.
“Back to bed!”yelled Fred.

“It’s downstairs for me!”yelled Fred.
“It’s upstairs for me!”yelled Ted.
Ted jumped into the little bed upstairs.
And Fred iumped into the big bed downstairs.

Ted slept all day long in the cozy little bed.
And Fred slept all day long in the cozy big bed.

“well, that was easy to do.Big dogs need big beds. Little dogs need little beds.Why make big problems out of little problems?”
故事中出现了很多生活中的反义词组:big /litte had/never had wet/dry slowly/fast cold/worm upstairs/downstairs uphill/downhill tall talk/small talk…
故事的最后小鸟说的:“好啦,事情很简单。 大狗需要大床。小狗需要小床。何必大题小做?”