

作者: 所谓唔知 | 来源:发表于2020-09-12 23:59 被阅读0次

    The Analects of Confucius 论语

    辜鸿铭 译

    The Discourses and Sayings of Confucius

    We will only here express the hope that educated and thinking Englishmen who will take the trouble to read this translation of ours, may, after reading it, be led to reconsider their hitherto(迄今) foregone(先前的) conceptions of the Chinese people, and in so doing be enabled not only to modify their preconceptions of the Chinese people, but also to change the attitude of their personal and national relations with the Chinese as individuals and as a nation.




    Confucius remarked, “It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practice what you have acquired. A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to seek you because of your attainments. But he is truly a wise and good man who feels no discomposure even when he is not noticed of men.”

    Congenial  adj.意气相投的

    Attainment  n.成就,学识

    Discomposure  n.不安,狼狈 discompose使不安


    A disciple of Confucius remarked(曾子曰), “I daily examine into my personal conduct on three points:---First, whether in carrying out the duties entrusted to me by others, I have no failed in conscientiousness; secondly, whether in intercourse with friends, I have not failed in sincerity and trustworthiness; Thirdly, whether I have not failed to practice what I profess in my teaching.”

    Entrust. 委托,信任

    Conscientiousness  尽责,凭良心办事 conscientious

    Trustworthiness  可信赖,确实性

    Profess  自称,声称,承认,当教授


    With plausible speech and fine manners will seldom be found moral character.


    Confucius remarked, A young man, when at home, should be a good son; when out in the world, a good citizen. He should be circumspect and truthful. He should be in sympathy with all men, but intimate with men of moral character. If he has time and opportunity to spare, after the performance of those duties, he should then employ them in literary pursuits.

    Circumspect  小心周到的,谨慎的,慎重

    Intimate  亲密的,密切的


    A disciple of Confucius remarked, A man who can love worthiness in man as he loves beauty in woman; who in his duties to his parents is ready to do his utmost; and in the service of his prince is ready to give up his life; who in intercourse with friends is found trustworthy in what he says, --such a man, although men may say of him that he is an uneducated man, I must consider him to be really an educated man.

    Utmost  最大,极其

    Intercourse  交往,交流,性交


    Confucius remarked, a wise and good man, in matters of food, should never seek to indulge his appetite; in lodging, he should not be too solicitous of comfort. He should be diligent in business and careful in speech. He should seek for the company of men of virtue and learning, in order to profit by their lessons and example. In this way he may become a man of real culture.

    Indulge    满足,沉溺,放任

    Lodging  寄宿

    Solicitous  操心的,关切的

    Diligent    勤勉的,


    Confucius remarked, one should not be concerned not to be understood of men; one should be concerned not to understand men.





    To be continue…



