On Tuesday, the White House announced the US would "impose a 25 percent tariff on 50 billion US dollars of goods imported from China containing industrially significant technology, including those related to the 'Made in China 2025' program."
In response, China's Ministry of Commerce has stated:
“We are very surprised by the White House statement. But it's also within our expectations. It's apparently against the consensus we reached with the US counterparts in Washington DC. No matter what measures the U.S. will take, China is confident and capable of defending our national interests. We urge the U.S. to act according to our previous joint statement.”
CGTN还给出了画线句的完整译文:"Whatever measures the United States takes, China has the confidence, capability and experience to defend the interests of the Chinese people and the core interests of the country."
我想大家的感受是一样的,在国际关系中,每一次变脸和出尔反尔都是对自己国家信誉的又一次损耗和挥霍。美方有关声明显然有悖于不久前中美双方在华盛顿达成的共识。我们敦促美方言而有信,按照联合声明精神与中方相向而行(China urged the US to keep its words and meet China halfway in line with the spirits of the two countries' joint statement)。
中方始终主张通过平等对话磋商、以建设性方式妥善处理和解决有关经贸分歧,这符合中美两国和两国人民的根本长远利益(China always advocates dealing with trade disputes through equal dialogue and consultation, which meets the fundamental long-term interests of the two countries and their peoples),也是国际社会的共同期待。还是那句话,中方不想打,但也不怕打贸易战(China doesn't want to fight a trade war but is not afraid of it)。兵来将挡,水来土掩。如果美方执意任性妄为,中方必将采取坚决有力措施维护自身正当利益。