杨幂真刚 !终止与知名的奢侈品牌“范思哲”合作

杨幂真刚 !终止与知名的奢侈品牌“范思哲”合作

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2019-08-14 09:41 被阅读0次

    Versace Loses Chinese Brand Ambassador Amid T-Shirt Controversy

    Versace has just lost its brand ambassador in China.
    Chinese actress Yang Mi said she’ll end her cooperation with the luxury fashion label after a controversy erupted online over claims that its T-shirt design defied the “One China” policy. brand ambassador / brand spokesman/ brand spokesperson 品牌代言人  end / terminate cooperation with 与.....终止合作  defy 对抗;违抗;反抗
    • defy belief/description/explanation (因过于极端或奇特而)让人无法相信/描述/解释

    • defy sb to do sth 激,惹;向…挑战


    Yang, Versace’s first Chinese brand ambassador, issued a notice to the company to end her contract and stop all work with the brand after its T-shirt listed Hong Kong as a country rather than a city. It did the same for Macau. Both are special administrative regions of China. special administrative regions of China 中国特别行政区
    Yang said Versace has harmed China’s sovereign and territorial integrity, according to a statement posted Sunday on the official Weibo account of Jiaxing Xingguang, the actress’s studio. Versace has apologized and removed the T-shirt. Hong Kong, a former British colony, became a special administrative region of China in 1997. China’s sovereign and territorial integrity 中国的主权和领土完整 former British colony 英国前殖民地
    Versace’s T-shirt is the latest in a string of faux pas by foreign companies when it comes to dealing with China. Last year, Dolce & Gabbana’s video ad that showed a Chinese model struggling to eat spaghetti and pizza with chopsticks sparked outrage and a boycott of its products.  faux pas 失言;失礼 spaghetti 意大利式细面条 boycott 拒绝购买(或参加);抵制  

    Versace apologized in its own official Weibo account post for the “wrong design” that incorrectly attached country names to cities. The T-shirts were taken off its shelves on July 24 and have been “destroyed,” it said.
    take sth off the shelves 将…下架,不再出售

    “This is our negligence and we are deeply sorry about the impact we caused,” Versace said in the post, adding that it “resolutely respects China’s sovereignty.” Versace 微博道歉
     网友回复 网友回复:在海外社交媒体上也做道歉声明
    Versace 在facebook 主页道歉声明如下:
    “I am deeply sorry for the unfortunate recent error that was made by our Company and that is being currently discussed on various social media channels. Never have I wanted to disrespect China’s National Sovereignty and this is why I wanted to personally apologize for such inaccuracy and for any distress that it might have caused.” Donatella Versace The Company apologizes for the design of its product and a recall of the t-shirt has been implemented in July. The brand accepts accountability and is exploring actions to improve how we operate day-to-day to become more conscientious and aware. 推荐阅读:


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        本文标题:杨幂真刚 !终止与知名的奢侈品牌“范思哲”合作
