
1. Donald Trump and Jeb Bush, the 9/11 Bullies
Amy Davidson | 19 October, 2015
TRUMP: Your brother’s Administration gave us Barack Obama, because it was such a disaster, those last three months, that Abraham Lincoln couldn’t have been elected.
BUSH: You know what? As it relates to my brother, there’s one thing I know for sure. He kept us safe.
Trump responded, “I don’t know. You feel safe right now? I don’t feel so safe.”
Source: The New Yorker

2. Is the 'gotcha' question debate going too far?
Carol Costello, Anchor | November 3, 2015
Donald Trump might disagree with Cruz's idea, given that a panel of moderators from Fox News still drew the Republican front-runner's ire. Megyn Kelly's excellent question to Trump on the night of the FOX debate angered the billionaire.
"Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women's looks," Kelly said to Trump. "You once told a contestant on 'The Celebrity Apprentice' it would be a 'pretty picture' to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president? And how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who is likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the 'war on women'?"
Trump later tweeted Kelly was "not very good or professional." He later re-tweeted she was a "bimbo."
See, that's the thing about gotcha questions -- and the danger in allowing politicians to design what questions they'll answer. We believe in free speech and a free press in this country. Sadly, for politicians who loathe gotcha questions, that means the American press can ask whatever it wants.
source:CNN Opinions
他的对手攻击他说:“如果以后你的对手是希拉里,那么难道你成为'war on women'的一部分了么?”现在想想倒是巧合的惊人。

3.How to Be Serious: A 2007 Hot Mic and Today’s G.O.P.
To say that Trump and Carson are not serious candidates is to say that the Republican electorate is not serious. And that judgment, despite the hollowness of the candidates’ ideas, is unfair in one important way. As George Packer writes in this week’s magazine, the Republican Party has failed to respond to the real concerns, fear, and even desperation on the part of many of its traditional voters. Trump’s support is the product not of frivolity but of pain. How profound that pain might be can be seen in another set of numbers, distinct from the political race, about the rising and unexpected mortality among white, middle-aged men without a college degree. They are dying more not because of obesity or heart disease but because of suicide and substance abuse—the physical manifestations of, among other things, disquiet and displacement. The numbers in the study, carried out by Princeton University economists, caught public-health professionals by surprise. If nothing else, the study shows that there are deep pools of unhappiness in this country that the experts don’t understand. Someone has to speak to that.
Source: The New Yorker

4. 5 things to watch for in tonight’s GOP debate
November 11, 2015
Debate host Fox Business Network is promising to focus on substantive issues, a response to those who accused last month’s CNBC debate of focusing too much on politics and “gotcha” questions. Some candidates should be careful what they ask for. A substantive debate on detailed policy could present challenges for outsider candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump. The pair is leading most polls largely based on the strength of their personalities, not their command of public policy. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, has sometimes struggled when challenged to explain his prescriptions for the nation’s problems. A more focused debate could help the experienced candidates stand out. But with Trump in the middle of the stage, it remains to be seen whether organizers can keep politics and personalities from dominating the night.
GOP debate 这是当时的一个比较大的竞选活动了。第一次看见Trump和希拉里同框。老实说Trump能从这么多共和党候选人中脱颖而出,绝不是你以为的那么蠢。

5.The hardest questions about fighting ISIS
Julian Zelizer | November 23, 2015
Very soon after ISIS committed its atrocity in Paris, Republicans were criticizing President Barack Obama for his policies in Syria and Iraq. The Republican candidates joined in a chorus to explain what went wrong. Obama, they said, pulled troops out of Iraq too early, creating a vacuum that ISIS has filled while the administration failed to use enough force when Syria started to break apart.
In his characteristic rhetoric, Donald Trump said that if he were president, he would "bomb the s—t out of ISIS." Candidates have come down hard on Obama's refusal to call this a war against "radical Islam."
source: CNN Opinions

6.Virginia for the Win: Why Donald Trump is hard to pin down
Norman Leahy and Paul Goldman | December 1 at 10:02 AM
In 2009, Trump purchased “Monday Night Raw.” He then brilliantly staged a fight inside the wrestling industry that “forced [the former owner] to buy his show back from the Donald for twice the price.”
Even Chinese fans were impressed.
Who else likes to wrestle? Soviet strongman Vlad “the Body” Putin.
We ask our fellow Virginians: Which other Americans could put the Russian Bear in an Andre the Giant hammerlock and stop all this Syria and Iran nonsense?
Maybe Chris Christie (those Jersey boys now how to get down and dirty).
But so can a Queens, N.Y., native such as Trump, who participated in the “Battle of the Billionaires” at WrestleMania 23 with “the stipulation that the loser of the bout would have” his head “shaved bald.” The Donald risked his trademark mane for the betterment of his constituents.
With all due respect, we don’t see Hillary Clinton doing that for America.
Source: the Washington Post

7.Did Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton create ISIS?
Peter Bergen | January 4, 2016
(CNN) Donald Trump said on Saturday that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "created ISIS."
Like many of Trump's charges, this one doesn't hold much water. Clinton left the State Department in January 2013 and ISIS wasn't even founded until three months later.
But Trump's charge does raise an interesting question, which is how best to assign responsibility for the rise of ISIS, including the issue of how might the Obama administration's exit from Iraq at the end of 2011 have helped smooth the path for ISIS?
Source: CNN
其实我觉得对ISIS稍微了解一点的人都能发现ISIS背后有美国的参与,Trump作为一个成功的商人,在这方面的嗅觉还是比较灵敏的。 但有时候确实觉得主流媒体会看低他。

8.Donald Trump Embraces the Proud GOP Tradition of Bashing the Department of Education
Laura Moser
Back in October, Trump targeted the same two agencies in even stronger language, as the Huffington Post reported at the time:
’“No, I'm not cutting services, but I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be—you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education,” Trump said.
So the Department of Education is one," he continued. "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations."
Source: Slate

9.Why Glenn Beck fears Donald Trump
BY Dean Obeidallah |January 18, 2016
It will be a "gigantic mistake if this country chooses Donald Trump" as its next president, Glenn Beck declared last week. He added that Trump will be a "monster much, much worse" than Barack Obama.
This may be the first and possibly the last time that I agree with Beck (except for the part that Obama has been a monster.)
Beck's impassioned criticism of Trump must be applauded because it's actually a profile in courage. As he noted, some of his conservative listeners may "hate" his guts for this no-holds-barred slam of Trump. But Beck still felt compelled to tell the truth, even acknowledging it could hurt him financially if some of his listeners tuned out.
So what is so terrifying about Trump that Beck would risk financial losses to tell us? Well, he truly believes that if Trump were elected president of the United States, he would use the apparatus of the federal government to exact revenge upon his political enemies.
Beck, conjuring up Richard Nixon infamously using federal government agencies to punish his political rivals, declared: "Do you think Trump has an enemies' list?! Damn right he does!" Adding, "You don't think this guy (Trump) with the tools of the IRS at his disposal would use it against his political enemies' list."
Beck went on to explain he views Trump as a "narcissistic character" who "gets vengeance and gets angry" and loves teaching his critics and rivals a lesson.
No one can dispute that Trump has lashed out on Twitter and in the media against anyone who dares criticize him or even just fails to kiss his ring. The only question is: Would Trump, if elected president, trade in Twitter for federal government agencies to attack his rivals?
Source: CNN

10.The presidential candidate who said he could shoot someone and still win
S.E. Cupp | January 18, 2016
(CNN) Over the weekend, Donald Trump, as he is wont to do, made some news. While extolling the loyalty of his supporters, he mused, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."
He then blasted the "soft" support for other Republican contenders. "My people stay," he said.
This suggestion -- that Trump thinks his supporters are so committed they'd willingly overlook a murder and vote for him -- earned the predictable condemnation from the predictable places. (And Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer in an interview, "of course I was joking.")
Yes, it was a shocking thing to say. Yes, it was an insult to his voters. But it's probably also true -- or close to it.
While we've all been busy grappling with how successfully Trump has mounted a political campaign -- proof of which we won't actually have until the first caucus and primary votes are counted -- we've missed that Trump has actually mounted a successful cult of sorts. The presidential campaign is merely an organizing platform.
While we can hope Trump supporters are good but misguided people who wouldn't, in fact, maintain affection for a murderer, they've shown a remarkable willingness to ignore all sorts of other moral, political and personal betrayals.
Source: CNN

11.It’s the Volume of Trump’s Voice—Not the Words—That Matters to Some Women Voters
By Michelle Betters | Feb 16, 2016
There are many bizarre things about Trump’s success so far; but one of the weirdest is that, despite the candidate’s long history of unapologetic lady bashing, a non-trivial number of women across the country actually want him to be the next president. In fact, as Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick wrote in August, he received even more support from female voters following the original dispute with Kelly. And this support persists. At a rally in Plymouth the day before last week’s New Hampshire primary—which Trump won handily—women commended the businessman’s outspokenness. “He’s not afraid to say what’s on his mind,” Diane Osagie, a middle-aged woman who’d traveled from Johnston, Rhode Island told me. “That’s what I like.” Even if it’s offensive, she confirmed. In response to a follow-up about the “Megyn Kelly incident,” she scoffed. “People need to grow a thick skin, honestly!”
Unburdened by so-called political correctness and championed as a “real man,” Donald Trump grows more popular with each boorish statement about Kelly’s menstrual cycle or Carly Fiorina’s face, which itself departed the campaign in the wake of Trump’s New Hampshire victory. See, for example, the women behind “Stump for Trump.” Since their videos went viral last fall, North Carolina sisters Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson have stumped for Trump on CNN and at official campaign events. In their eyes, Trump’s unsparing reaction to his haters demonstrates his leadership skills; it’s this “take no prisoners” attitude that will undoubtedly make America great again. Like many of his supporters, Diamond and Silk interpret Trump’s candid outspokenness (and, of course, money) as success--a certain kind of success they want intensely. “Anytime you can take a million dollars and turn it into ten billion dollars,” yells Diamond in a November video titled “DONALD TRUMP PLEASE BUILD THE WALL,” “We see prosperity.”
Source: The XX Factor
“real man”这个评价让我印象比较深刻。从这个时候开始我才开始重点关注他吧。事实上在选举最开始媒体关于Trump的报道非常多。这个人身为亿万富翁,年轻时候曾经在电视节目中说,自己不会当选总统,除非美国遇到了很大的困难。这也是Trump最开始获得了很多关注的原因 之一。

12.Is the First Amendment safe from Donald Trump?
Alexandria Neason | January 18, 2016
(CNN)Donald Trump has said a lot of strange things -- some funny, some creepy, but none scarier than what he said on Friday: that if he is elected president, he will "open up our libel laws" to make it easier to sue the media and "win lots of money." No matter what you may think about his other policy ideas, if he keeps this promise, we won't be able to effectively express dissent against anything else he might want to do. We can fight any bad policy if we have a robust First Amendment.
Some say that Trump is just being a blowhard, that he doesn't know what he is talking about, and that for all his bluster, there is nothing he could or would do.
I am not so sure. Trump has a history of filing SLAPP suits. SLAPP stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. This describes a lawsuit filed against someone for exercising his or her First Amendment rights -- filed with little chance of success, but with the knowledge that the lawsuit itself is the punishment. After all, if people have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend themselves because they criticized Donald Trump, they might think better of doing so again in the future.
Source: CNN Opinons
川普扬言要开放“文字狱”?作为被西方媒体天天黑的人,他有这样的想法也可以想象出来。这次的来源还是CNN。老实说我确实非常喜欢CNN OPINIONS,文章一般观点都比较深刻。只是从2016年开始媒体就开始着重报道黑料了。不过这也和Trump本人说话毫不顾忌有很大关系。

13.Donald Trump Is Transforming the G.O.P. Into a Populist, Nativist Party
JOHN CASSIDY |Feb 29th 2016, 11:02
If you’ve been following all of this bile in real time, on social media, it is easy to miss the larger reality that it reflects. With Trump in a strong position to win the primary, Republicans are engaged in a bitter battle not just about who will represent them in November, but about the broader nature of their party. For the past forty years, the G.O.P. has been an uneasy alliance of social conservatives, free-market conservatives, and corporate interest groups, with the latter largely dictating economic policy. Trump has been drawing on a base of alienated white working-class and middle-class voters, seeking to remake the G.O.P. into a more populist, nativist, avowedly protectionist, and semi-isolationist party that is skeptical of immigration, free trade, and military interventionism.
Source: The New Yorker

14. Battle lines
From The Economist | Mar 5, 2016
So far, that anger has been channelled into divisiveness. On the right, Mr Trump has exploited the discontent by insulting his way to the front of the pack, stirring up racial resentment as he goes, delighting crowds with a list of proposals that run from the unethical to the unworkable. On parts of the left, the rage is more polite but, particularly where it is aimed at Wall Street, no less deeply felt.
If this desperate logic is repeated in a Clinton v Trump race, the contest could have consequences both ugly and far-reaching, particularly for the Republicans. After winning a race fuelled by anger and led by Mr Trump, the party would almost certainly ditch its attachment to free trade and a muscular foreign policy and retreat into isolationism, xenophobia and economic populism. If it survived that shift (a big if), it would by the middle of the century be a white-nationalist party in a country that will be majority non-white. More likely, it would fracture, parts of the Republican coalition spinning off to find a new home elsewhere.
Source: The Economist

15.It's getting harder to believe Trump can be beaten
Timothy Stanley | March 9, 2016
In Michigan, Trump easily saw off a challenge by John Kasich, who had spent so much time campaigning in the state that he joked: "I may have to start paying taxes" there. Trump benefited, much like Bernie Sanders in the Democrat primary, from disaffection toward free trade. His vote tended to be located among poorer, less educated or older voters.
Trump, already in Florida, congratulated himself on his wins next to a table covered in Trump products that included Trump wine and Trump steaks. If he wins the White House, he'll probably be the first president to self-cater the inaugural.
Yet Trump, who is not especially religious and is stinking rich, has managed to draw enough of the angry and dispossessed to his cause to win. One exit poll found that 53% of Michigan Republicans believe that free trade "takes away jobs."
Source: CNN

16. Populist Triumph:Big Wins for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump
JOHN CASSIDY | March 9, 2016
In a result that FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver said before the race was called would count as one of the biggest upsets in polling history, Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton in Michigan, a key industrial state that has long been regarded as a bellwether for the entire Rust Belt. Meanwhile, Donald Trump delivered a devastating blow to the “Never Trump,” movement, winning easily in Michigan and Mississippi. Given that Marco Rubio had another terrible night—he didn’t pick up a single delegate in either Michigan or Mississippi—Trump looks set to win next week in Florida, where Rubio had been regarded as his closest competition. Doing so would put him in a well-nigh impregnable position in the Republican primary.
Source: The New Yorker

17.The confusion that's driving support for Trump
Tiziana Dearing | March 14, 2016
An interviewee on NPR on Super Tuesday was asked who she supports. She's a self-identified Christian and began her answer by lamenting false claims of Christianity by many Republican candidates. I figured she'd be a lock for Ted Cruz.
Almost. She was undecided between Cruz or Trump. Yeah, because they'd definitely score the same on a Bible quiz.
What about voters who feel specific values are critically important? If you're an evangelical Christian, conservative Christian values are critical. Historically, politicians who represented such values also represented ideas like protected trade, a strong national defense or American Exceptionalism.
People don't like confusion. We like certainty. Nothing fits that bill better than someone who offers absolutes. Combine absolutism with an Outsider Who Gets It -- and who is so slippery he can convincingly sell, "Whatever values you think you care about, those are my values, too" -- and we get a juggernaut. We get Donald Trump.
This election isn't about who the president will be. It's about who America will be. If the Insider candidates Who Can Govern don't do a better job of Getting It, owning that they helped mess it up in the first place, and connecting their plans for fixing it to the core, traditional values of their parties, we're all in trouble. We've seen the alternative.
Source: CNN Opinions
基督教历史上传统的价值观是protected trade,a strong national defense,American Exceptionalism.我认为从这里来看Trump日后的政策倾向比较靠谱。

18. The slow-motion implosion of the Republican Party
David Axelrod | March 25, 2016
Overrun by outrage
Having stoked anti-Obama fever in order to score midterm victories at the polls and then failed to deliver on pledges to derail major elements of the President's agenda, the party elite now finds itself overrun by a wave of outrage and discontent.
That wave has carried Donald Trump to the brink of the nomination, a hostile takeover that so horrifies the Republican establishment that many are now turning in desperation to a man they dislike almost as much as the prospect of Trump as their standard-bearer.
Source: CNN Opinions

19.Donald Trump’s Nuclear Uncle
By Amy Davidson | April 9, 2016
In his answers, he seldom sounds as ungrounded as when he invokes Professor Trump, the younger brother of his father, Fred. “My uncle used to tell me about nuclear before nuclear was nuclear,” Trump said in one interview, “before nuclear” referring, perhaps, to the development of hydrogen bombs, rather than basic atomic bombs (which occurred when Donald was about six years old), or perhaps just to that netherworld where things wait until Trump judges them to be fashionable or flashy enough to exist. He mentions his uncle so often, and in such extravagant terms—“brilliant,” “one of the top, top professors at M.I.T.”—that it seems worth asking what the professor and his arcane knowledge mean to him.
It gets stranger still when Trump invokes the bomb as a way to dismiss talk of climate change: “The only global warming I’m worried about is nuclear global warming.”
Source: The New Yorker

20.Surprising truth about Clinton, Trump foreign policy
Aaron David Miller | April 28, 2016
Like all Republican presidential candidates, Trump has been scathing about the nuclear deal. Unlike his chief rival Ted Cruz, though, Trump has not threatened to rip it up on day one, instead saying he would renegotiate it. Clinton, meanwhile, has defended the accord and even taken credit for it, though she promises to be tough on enforcement. Both have promised never to allow Iran to get a nuke, and to be tough on Tehran's regional behavior.Bottom line: Barring some fundamental transgression by Iran, both will likely carry on Obama's signature legacy because neither has a viable alternative.
Both Trump and Clinton support negotiating with Russia. This is particularly the case with Trump, who believes he can figure out a better way -- master dealmaker that he fashions himself to be -- to deal with the Russian leader. Clinton supports talks with Russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons. She also defends the reset, though argues for more pressure. Yet it is hard to imagine either candidate being prepared to forcefully confront Russia in Syria and raise the costs of Putin's support of Bashar al-Assad. Remember, Clinton supports the (failing) Syrian ceasefire and the U.N.-sponsored Geneva process. And given Trump's bromance with Putin, he's likely to look for ways to deal with Putin on Syria, too.Bottom line: Neither is looking for a fight with Putin.
Clinton has laid out a conceptual plan that appears to be very close to President Obama's current policy: Avoid nation-building and the deployment of large numbers of ground forces. Trump has been all over the map on Syria, from sending in as many as 30,000 troops to deploying Americans quietly. But he appears to reject the nation-building option.Bottom line: Both will continue to see ISIS as a counterterrorism problem rather than a potential all-out war, and both want to avoid a major U.S. military commitment in Syria. That said, if an ISIS-directed terror attack like those seen in Paris and Brussels occurred in the United States, it might force both to change their calculations.
Israel and the Palestinians
Both Clinton and Trump have taken very similar positions, promising to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States early in their administrations. Both have also pledged to upgrade the U.S.-Israeli relationship. And interestingly, Trump has expressed a consistent interest in negotiating an Israeli-Palestinian peace. In fact, there are times when Trump talks about the neutrality required to be a successful negotiator that he sounds like he could be a President Clinton's special envoy on the subject.Bottom line: Under either Clinton or Trump, relations with the Netanyahu government would likely improve, initially. But within a year, the new American president and Netanyahu can be expected to be annoying the hell out of one another.
虽然很多人都说希拉里外交很好有经验云云,当时看到这篇文章的时候我觉得Trump这个人对外交的基本立场还是比较正确的。正如上面的bottom line可以看出,特朗普和希拉里在很多方面都有共同的主张,比如说和普京协商,打击ISIS这类。并且他对于伊拉克战争,对于亚洲的看法更加客观一点,这让我认为经济决定政治,是合理的。

20.The irony of celebrity populism
“When you become famous,” the famous political consultant James Carville once said, “being famous becomes your profession.”
It’s a sign of the stunning success of Donald Trump’s crossover act that we no longer even think about this campaign’s most revolutionary effect on our politics: the demolition of the line between celebrity and political achievement.
Trump has now far surpassed Obama in converting fame directly into electoral currency, moving from celebrity to front-runner status without going through the messy, time-consuming work of being a state legislator and U.S. senator. Ronald Reagan, given his Hollywood standing, may be the closest historical analogue to Trump. But Trump did not spend eight years as governor of a large state. There is a perverse purity to Trump’s great leap.
Trump represents the triumph in politics of what the scholars of postmodernism call “transgressive” art, which violates boundaries, including moral strictures, and commands attention through its shock value. Trump is now the transgressor in chief.
Source: The Washington Post
Trump是个会利用名望的聪明人。图片上的标志就代表着Trump作为Hollywood Walk of Fame.这就是好莱坞了。 他的名声已经远超过奥巴马在当年选举的时候。但很多人认为他这个人有犯罪倾向。

By Adam Gopnik | May 20, 2016
“Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, / As, to be hated, needs but to be seen,” the poet Alexander Pope wrote, in lines that were once, as they said back in the day, imprinted on the mind of every schoolboy. Pope continued, “Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, / we first endure, then pity, then embrace.” The three-part process by which the gross becomes the taken for granted has been on matchlessly grim view this past week in the ascent of Donald Trump.
Source: The New Yorker

23.This is how fascism comes to America
By Robert Kagan | May 18, 2016

24.Trump’s tragic, rolling bluster
By Eugene Robinson Opinion writer| May 30 at 8:54 PM
Donald Trump looked like a fool and a fraud on Sunday. But what else is new?
Even the most ardent Trumpistas would have to admit that Trump’s appearance at the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally was, as spectacles go, pretty pathetic. It was supposed to be a vast, multitudinous gathering on the plaza in front of the Lincoln Memorial, one of the greatest and most historic public spaces in the nation. Instead, Trump drew a paltry crowd estimated by organizers at perhaps 5,000.
As Trump might say in a late-night tweet: “Sad!”
As Trump showed the world, it is relatively easy to run for president if you are willing to say or do anything to get attention and you believe in nothing except your own self-inflated myth. His reality-television-style campaign overwhelmed a badly fractured Republican Party. But the act is getting harder to pull off because now his words, often chosen for their shock value, have real consequences.
Source: the Washington Post

25. Lewandowski firing: Power of Ivanka?
Peggy Drexler | June 21, 2016(CNN)
Divisive GOP frontrunner Donald Trump announced Monday that his campaign has parted ways with divisive campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, amid suggestions that daughter Ivanka Trump made him do it. She'd been pressing for awhile, according to news reports, and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back may well have been an increase in tensions between Lewandowski and her husband, Jared Kushner.
Some reports suggest Ivanka and her siblings worried that Lewandowski lacked the experience to lead their father through a national campaign -- including stepping up fundraising efforts and bolstering Trump's anemic communications team.
Source: CNN Opinion
这篇文章提到的是Trump貌美如花的女儿Ivanka 听说Ivanka是美剧 绯闻女孩的原型,她读名校,做模特,打理家里生意,作为特朗普这次竞选重要的协助者,帮了他老爸很多忙。很难说是否有很多人因为Ivanaka才开始正视特朗普,Ivanaka也常常给他爸爸背书,做演讲。特朗普的儿子也是一表人才,演讲能力很棒。不得不说真的是都把孩子培养成才了。

26.Evangelical Christians Are Not Happy About Trump’s Silence on the Texas Abortion Ruling
By Ruth Graham | June 30, 2016
When a man who has spent decades shouting his opinions suddenly clams up, the silence is particularly deafening. It has been well over 48 hours since the Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling striking down Texas’ strict rules for abortion clinics. Donald Trump has yet to mention it.
Source: The Slate

27. Melania Trump’s Michelle Obama Moment
Amy Davidson | July 19, 2016
“You’ve all been very kind to Donald and me,” Melania Trump told the attendees at the Republican National Convention, in Cleveland, on Monday night, in a keynote speech that was briefly seen as a triumph before it was derided as a cheap knockoff—the QVC jewelry of would-be-First-Lady speeches. One paragraph was so similar to Michelle Obama’s speech from the 2008 Democratic National Convention that it was hard to imagine that the resemblance was accidental. It was all the more striking because the subject matter was so generic. Both women spoke of being raised with certain values: “that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say,” Melania and Michelle both said. A few sentences later, Melania said that the only limits to “your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.”
Source: The New Yorker