
作者: 月婵娟 | 来源:发表于2019-04-21 06:40 被阅读8次

本文选自Debbie Macomber 的A little bit country.

When she'd finished, she looked up to see a tall muscular man sliding from the driver's side of the pickup. He was dressed in jeans and a denim shirt, and his hat was pulled over his forehead, shading his eyes.


Rorie's breath caught in her throat as she noticed his grace of movement a thoroughly masculine grace. Something about Clay Franklin grabbed her imagination. He embodied everything she'd ever linked with the idea of an outdoorman, a man's man. She could imagine him taming a wilderness or forging an empire.

当Rorie看到他优雅的动作,那种充满阳刚之气的优雅时,她感到自己的呼吸凝滞在喉间。Clay Franklin满足了她对男子的所有想象,他是男人中的男人。Rorie能想像出他驯服野兽或创立自己的帝国的样子。

In his clearly defined features she sensed a strength that reminded her of the land itself. The spellbinding quality of his steel-gray eyes drew her own and held them for a long moment. His nose had a slight curve, as though it had been broken once. He smiled, and a tingling sensation Rorie couldn't explain skittered down her spine.

他明显的特征令她感受到了一种力量,而这又让她想起这片土地。Clay Franklin迷人的灰色眼睛与她久久对望。他的刀削般的鼻子有一点弯曲的弧度。他对着她微笑,Rorie感受到一股无法解释的麻酥感从脊椎传来。


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