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英语笑话 151 (传教士买鹦鹉 The Preacher Bu

英语笑话 151 (传教士买鹦鹉 The Preacher Bu

作者: 点学英语 | 来源:发表于2019-03-20 15:19 被阅读1次
    传教士买鹦鹉 The Preacher Buys a Parrot

    The Preacher Buys a Parrot


    A preacher is buying a parrot.


    "Are you sure it doesn't scream, yell, or swear?" asked the preacher.


    "Oh absolutely. He's a religious parrot," the storekeeper assures him.


    "Do you see those strings on his legs? When you pull the right one, he recites the lord's prayer, and when you pull on the left he recites the 23rd Psalm."


    "Wonderful!" says the preacher, "but what happens if you pull both strings?"


    "I fall off my perch, you stupid fool!" screeched the parrot.


    这个笑话中出现了三个含有“大喊”、“大叫”意思的词语:scream,yell 和 screech。

    scream 指“因痛苦、恐惧、惊奇、快乐等而发出尖叫声”,如:

    She screamed when she saw the child fall. 当她看见那个孩子跌倒时,她尖声叫了起来。

    yell 多指求援、鼓励时的呼叫,也可指因外界因素刺激而发出尖厉声音。如:

    yell the team to victory 用喊声鼓励运动队取胜

    screech 指“发出尖锐刺耳的声音”,如:

    The car screeched to a halt. 车子发出尖嘎声停了下来。




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        本文标题:英语笑话 151 (传教士买鹦鹉 The Preacher Bu
