
作者: 给梦想一点时间 | 来源:发表于2018-11-18 11:02 被阅读5次


moisturizing cream 保湿乳液/润肤乳

reinfore 加强

skin barrier 皮肤屏障/皮肤保护层

compromised skin barrier 皮肤屏障受损

aggravate 使......恶化

eczema 湿疹

comedogenic 粉刺

psoriasis 银屑病

hydrating ingredient 保湿成分

hyaluronic acid 透明质酸

replenish 补充

essential 必要的

dermatologist 皮肤科医生

ideal for 非常适合

non-greasy 不油腻

non-irritating 不刺激

fragrance-free 无香精

fast-absorbing 快速吸收

sensitive skin 敏感肌

hypoallergenic 防过敏

24-hour hydration 24小时补水

ceramide 神经酰胺

retain moisture 保持水分/保湿


A compromised skin barrier can lead to dryness and itching—and aggravate skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. A **moisturizing cream** can help reinforce the skin barrier with hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, or a ceramide cream that replenishes essential skin barrier components.

CeraVe **Moisturizing Cream** acts as both by effectively hydrating as it helps restore the skin’s protective barrier. Developed with dermatologists and ideal for dry and very dry skin on the face and body, this rich, non-greasy, fast-absorbing **moisturizing cream** features patented MVE Delivery Technology to release a steady stream of **hyaluronic acid** and three essential ceramides throughout the day and night. Suitable for sensitive skin, this oil-free and fragrance-free **ceramide cream** also helps the skin hold on to moisture while improving its look and feel.

*  Suitable for dry and very dry skin on the face and body

*  MVE Technology: This patented delivery system continually releases moisturizing ingredients for 24-hour hydration

*  Ceramides: Essential for healthy skin, ceramides help restore and maintain the skin’s natural barrier

*  Hyaluronic acid: This ingredient attracts hydration to the skin’s surface and helps the skin retain moisture

*  Non-comedogenic, oil-free, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free and suitable for sensitive skin

*  Developed with dermatologists


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