笃学奖-Topic 6 -B17449-甘比精读

笃学奖-Topic 6 -B17449-甘比精读

作者: zwwwwwj | 来源:发表于2017-03-20 22:40 被阅读0次

    Classical Music


    day 20:

    1.ring out

    When a sound rings out, it is loud and clear:

    A cry of warningrang out.

    A shotrang out.

    2.complete with

    *a radio complete with a carrying case, ie having it as an additional feature


    3.gravestone: a burial momument


    1. (alsohoar) (esp of hair) grey or white with age (尤指毛发)因年老而变灰或变白的.

    2. very old 古老的; 陈旧的

    a hoary old joke老掉牙的笑话. >hoarinessn[U].

    5.Yes, New York City Operafoldedlast week.

    fold: ~ (up)

    (a) cease to function; stop trading 停止运行; 停业:

    The company folded (up) last week.那家公司上星期倒闭了.

    (b) cease to be performed 停止上演:

    The play folded within a fortnight.那话剧演了两个星期就停演了.



    situation in which a company refuses to allow workers to come to work until they accept the working conditions that the company is offering them


    n,sudden short burst (of activity, emotion, etc) (活动﹑ 情感等的)突发, 发作:

    a spasm of energy, excitement, pain, coughing一阵活力的爆发﹑ 兴奋﹑ 疼痛﹑ 咳嗽.


    morbid  (of sb's mind or ideas)

    a, having or showing an interest in gloomy or unpleasant things, esp disease or death

    (指人的心思或观念)病态的, 忧郁的(尤指只想到疾病﹑ 死亡等不快事物者):

    a morbid imagination病态的想像

    9.fixated  /fɪkˈseɪtɪd; ˋfɪkˏsetɪd/adj[pred 作表语]

    ~ (on sb/sth)

    having an abnormal emotional attachment (to sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])固恋, 异常依恋:

    He is fixated on things that remind him of his childhood.


    10.demise  /dɪˈmaɪz/n.(fml文) death 死; 死亡.


    n, the study of music as a branch of knowledge or field of research as distinct from composition or performance



    adj,based on or containing facts 根据事实的; 事实的; 真实的

    :a factual account  据实的报道.

    >factually  adv:factually correct  事实方面正确无误的.


    adj.more than is needed or wanted 过多的; 过剩的; 多余的; 不必要的;

    That remark was superfluous, ie It should not have been made, eg because it contributed nothing or was offensive. 那样的话多余说.

    *They were only interested in each other, so I felt rather superfluous, ie felt that I shouldn't be there.

    他们只是意在对方, 所以我自觉多余在场.

    14.bloodlust:desire for bloodshed


    -mongering    n.


    They accused him of rumour-mongering/scandal-mongering.

    war-mongering   fear-mongering  doom-mongering

    16.autopsy  /ˈɔːtɔpsɪ/

    n.examination of a dead body to learn the cause of death; post-mortem


    [attribute 作定语]  an autopsy report尸检报告


    v,v[Tt] (fml文) be meant to seem (to be); claim or pretend

    意思似乎是; 声称; 伪称:

    The document purports to be an official statement.该文件据称是一项正式声明.

    18.’comatose  a,昏迷的

    19.Statistics provide firm answers, but not necessarily to the right questions.

    20.troll   n,an ugly or unpleasant person


    n ,(fig 比喻) hurtful remark 伤人的话

    cruel barbs of ridicule挖苦人的刺耳言语.


    n, behaviour that is very cruel and violent:

    The police were shocked by the savagery of the attacks.

    She replied with a savagery that took him by surprise.

    23.maniacal / mə`naɪəkl /

    a, crazy and often frightening


    adj  [usu pred 通常作表语]

    ~ of/to sth

    unaware of or not noticing sth; having no memory of sth 未觉察; 不注意; 忘记

    :oblivious of one's surroundings不注意周围事物 *

    oblivious to what was happening对发生的事情无记忆 *

    oblivious to danger未觉察到危险 *

    25.pundit (often joc常作戏谑语)

    person who is an authority on a subject; expert 某一学科的权威; 专家:

    The pundits disagree on the best way of dealing with the problem.

    如何妥善处理这一问题, 专家众说纷纭. *

    a panel of well-known television pundits


    26.jeremiad  / ˏdʒɛrəˋmaɪæd/

    n.(fml文) long, sad and complaining story of troubles, misfortunes, etc

    悲伤的长篇故事; 血泪史.

    27.aberration/ˏæbəˈreɪʃn /

    something that is not normal or not what you would usually expect:

    a genetic aberration


    约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯, 德国古典主义最后的作曲家,浪漫主义中期作曲家. 一些评论家将他与巴赫(Bach)、贝多芬(Beethoven)排列在一起称为三B


    n.person who is devoted to sth; enthusias

    t 致力於﹑ 献身於某事物的人; 热心者; 某事物的迷恋者

    :a devotee of sport, music, crime fiction, etc

    30.patronage   /ˋpetrənɪdʒ/

    n, support and encouragement given by a patron 资助; 赞助; 支持

    patronage of the arts对艺术方面的赞助 *


    adj.claiming (esp without justification) merit or importance; pompous or showy

    自负的; 自命不凡的; 炫耀的; 自我标榜的:

    expressed in pretentious language用狂妄的语言表达的 *

    a pretentious writer, book, style自我炫耀的作家﹑ 书﹑ 文风.


    a, an exalted position is an important position in an organization or in society

    used about people who have important positions:

    We were in exalted company (=among important people).

    33.ascendant (also ascendent )

    n.(idm 习语) in the ascendant   rising in power and influence 权势日益增强:

    Though he is still a young man his political career is already in the ascendant.

    他虽然年纪轻轻, 可是他在政坛上已青云直上了.

    34.prowess /ˈprauɪs/

    n [U] (fml 文) outstanding skill or ability; expertise  高超的技艺; 非凡的才能; 专长:

    We had to admire his prowess as an oarsman/his rowing prowess.



    flex one's muscles: to demonstrate one's strength


    n, an amount, level, standard, etc. that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are:

    benchmark for: plans to set a new benchmark for salaries

    37.profess /prəˋfɛs/

    v, claim (sth), often falsely 声称, 自称, 伪称, 妄称(某事物):

    I don't profess expert knowledge of/to be an expert in this subject.

    我并不自诩对这一问题内行[是这一问题的专家]. *

    She professed total ignorance of the matter.

    她自称对那事一无所知. *

    He professed that he knew nothing about the plot.

    他声称对该阴谋毫不知情. *

    38.cursory /ˈkɜːsərɪ/

    adj.(often derog常作贬义) done quickly and not thoroughly; (too) hurried 粗略的; 草率的; 仓促的

    :a cursory glance, look, inspection, etc匆匆的一瞥﹑ 粗略的一看﹑ 草草的检查等

    39. polyglot

    adj.(fml文) knowing, using or written in many languages

    通晓或使用多种语言的; 以多种语言写成的

    :a polyglot edition多语种对照的版本. n.

    40.cherry-pick: to select the best or most desirable


    adj.(usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词)

    full of or dominated by sth specified 满是某事物的; 受某事物支配或控制的:

    a flea-ridden bed满是跳蚤的床 *`

    guilt-ridden罪孽深重的 *

    (fml文)She was ridden by/with guilt.她罪孽深重.


    42.snuff out:

    snuff sth out

    (a) put out (a candle flame, etc); extinguish sth 熄灭(烛光等); 扑灭某事物.

    (b) put an end to sth; finish sth 消灭或结束某事物:

    His hopes were nearly snuffed out.他的希望几乎破灭了.

    43.mediocre / ˋmidɪˏokɚ/

    adj.not very good; second-rate 不太好的; 平庸的; 第二流的:

    His films are mediocre.他的电影平庸无奇. *

    a mediocre actor, display, meal第二流的演员﹑ 表演﹑ 饭食. *

    44.marginalize  v,to make someone or something seem not important or relevant


    n.[C]~ (from sth)

    passage, extract, from a book, film, piece of music, etc 书﹑ 电影﹑ 乐曲等的节录:

    excerpts from a novel一部小说的摘录 *

    I've seen a short excerpt from the film on television.我在电视上看过这部影片的片段. *

    46.oratorio /ˏɔrəˈtɔːrɪəu/

    n.(pl~s) musical composition for solo voices, chorus and orchestra,usu with a Biblical theme

    (通常以《圣经》内容为主题的)清唱剧, 神剧

    47.throes /θrəuz/

    n, (pl.)severe pains 剧痛:

    the throes of childbirth 分娩时的阵痛 *

    death throes 临终的痛苦. *

    (idm 习语 )in the throes of sth/of doing sth

    (infml口) struggling with the task of sth/of doing sth 为完成某事而拚搏; 苦干:

    in the throes of moving house为搬家而辛劳.

    day 21:


    why way

    day 22









        本文标题:笃学奖-Topic 6 -B17449-甘比精读
