4.3 Day 1

作者: 野生的萱 | 来源:发表于2017-04-03 10:24 被阅读0次

Dear Weng Qi:

It gives me much pleasure to hear of your climbing up ladder as a director as HR recently.No surprising,you never fail to find yourself and do your own choosing as ever.For me I’m nothing but a blue-collar worker in charge of foreign trade.Though i’m as diligent man as any,the supervisor don’t assign me any challengeable work not to say digging me out.So far,i’m stuck in a rut and decide to seek a new job.You have the ability to see if i’m ready for a job-hopping.Busy as you are,I would appreciate it if you had any time for a cup of coffee. Waiting for your replying.

                                                                                                                       yours sincerely



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      本文标题:4.3 Day 1
