RPM/CPM: Reads/Counts of exon model per million mapped reads
Calculate Formula:
RPM=Total exon reads/ Mapped reads(Millions)
We can get the decision easily: The longer the gene, the greater the number of reads.
So, we calculate the RPKM to exclude the effect of gene length
RPKM: Reads Per Kilobase of exon model per Million mapped reads
Range of Use: Single-end RNA-seq
Calculate Formula:
RPKM=Total exon reads/[Mapped reads(Millions)*Exon length(Kb)]
Example of Calculating RPKM
Gene B is twice as long as gene A, and that might explain why it always gets twice as many reads, regardless of replicate.
Sample3 has way more reads than other replicates, regardless of the gene.
RPKM-Step1:normalize for Read Depth
For the purpose of this 4 gene examples, we’re scaling the total read counts by 10 instead of 1,000,000.
Originally,1,000,000 was picked just because it made the numbers look nice.(i.e. they didn’t require too many decimal places)
RPM-scaled using the ‘per million’ factors.
RPKM-Step2:normalize for gene length
Reads are scaled for depth(M) and gene length(K).
RPKM and FPKM-two very closely related terms
RPKM=Reads Per Kilobase Million
FPKM=Fragments per Kilobase Million
RPKM is for single-end RNA-seq.
FPKM is for paired-end RNA-seq.
针对Single-end RPKM与FPKM基本没有差异
TPM is like RPKM and FPKM, except the order of operation is switched.
Example of Calculating TPM
TPM-Step1:Normalize for gene length
RPK-scaled by gene length
TPM-Step2:normalize for sequencing depth
TPM-scaled by gene length and sequencing depth(M)