太极经典之《十三势行功心解》- 武禹襄

太极经典之《十三势行功心解》- 武禹襄

作者: 叶贞明 | 来源:发表于2017-10-01 23:26 被阅读0次

Use your mind to exercise your internal energy. Let the internal energy sink and be attached to your body. Eventually, the internal energy can be condensed into the bone marrow.

Drive the internal energy to move your entire body; make certain that the internal energy circulates smoothly and completely. Eventually the internal energy can follow the direction of your will.

If essence and spirit can be raised, then there is no need for concern with being slow and awkward; this is called extending and suspending the crown point.

If mind and internal energy can be freely exchanged, then there is much satisfaction in performing smoothly and dynamically; this is called exchanging negative and positive.

When transferring internal power, it should be sunk attached, relaxed, and completed. The power should also be concentrated in one direction.

When performing, you should be centered, balanced, stable, and comfortable. You should also control the eight directions.

Circulating your internal energy is just like guiding a thread through the nine-channeled pearl. Then nothing can block the circulation.

Eercising your internal power is just like refning metal into the purest steel. Then nothing can not be destroyed.

In performing the forms, you should be like the eagle which glides serenely on the wind, but which can swoop instantly to pluck a rabbit from the ground.Your mind should be centered, like the placid cat-peaceful but able to respond instantly to the scurrng mouse.

When in stillness you should be as the mountain. When in motion you should move like the water of the river

When condensing the internal power, it should be like the pullig of a bow; when projecting the internal power, it should be like the shooting of an arrow.

In T'ai Chi movement, follow the curve to be aware of the straight line. In internal exercise, reserve the energy for transferring the power.

Transfer of power comes fom the spine. Change of position follows the movement of your body.

Therefore in T'ai Chi "drawing in" leads to "projecting out"; "interruption" leads to "connection."

When you move in and out, your entire body acts like an accordion, folding and unfolding. When you move forward and backward, your stance changes in a varied, dynamic manner.

In T'ai Chi, being very sof and pliable leads to being extremely hard and strong. Command of proper breathing techniques leads to command of free and flexible movement.

Cultivate internal energy in a direct way only, and you will do yourself no harm. Store internal power in an indirect way only, and you will buid great reserves.

In transferring power, your mind acts like a banner, internal energy acts like a flag, and your waist acts like a pennant. In perfecting your forms, begin with large and extended movements, which , with time, will become compact and concentrated.

Also it is said: If there is no motion, you will remain still. If there is even a slight change, you have already moved accordingly.

Interna power should remain in a state of equlibrium between relaxed and not-yet-relaxed, extended and not-yet-extended. Even if internal power is interrupted, the mind should remain in continuous action.

As it is said. First you should exercise your mind, then discipline your body. Relax your abdomen and let interal energy condense into your bone marrow. Make your spirit peaceful and your body calm. Pay attention to your mind at all times.

Bear in mind that once you move, everything should be in motion; when you are still, everything should be in stilness.

Wen practicing Push Hands, as you move forward and backward the internal energy should attach to your back and condense into your spinal column.

Your spirit should be controlled internally; externally you should appear calm and comfortable.

When changing position, you should move like a cat. Exerising the internal power is like the delicate reeling of silk.

Your entire body should be controlled by the mind and spirit. Do not attempt to control your body solely by the breathing, because this will make your movements slow and plodding. Controling the body by breathing yields no internal power; it is only by avoiding such error that you can develop the purest and strongest internal power.

Interal power should be likened to the spinning of a wheel. The waist turns like the axle of a wheel in motion.




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    本文标题:太极经典之《十三势行功心解》- 武禹襄
