Turbulent2008|| 动荡的2008 【1】

Turbulent2008|| 动荡的2008 【1】

作者: 依依煜兮 | 来源:发表于2019-11-28 17:38 被阅读0次

文/煜兮  【原创小说】

Turbulent2008|| 动荡的2008 【1】

Turbulent  2008 ||  动荡的2008

( 1 )

It was Saturday morning, slight raining from last night till now, and seemingly it is going to continue for a day.  Debra lazily stayed in  bed and looked out of the window. It was a dreary and gray…  ‘ It is raining, What a nice day’, she told herself, she likes raining very much, especially in this rainless semiarid region.

The terrible headache is still with her. She pressed her head with gently massage for a few minutes, and then she tried to get up and took  a piece of painkiller. She went back to the bed, ‘Thanks god, it is a weekend …’ She took her cell phone made a call to her colleague to inform them that she can’t go to the office for the overtime as she was still not feeling well.  Thursday night, before she left the office she promised her colleague to come to the office this morning to check the pending request.

She went kitchen to have some hot water after made the call,  then she  went to bed, soon,she fallen into sleep again with the raining pitter-patter sounds … 


思量好久,开始我的英语小说 … 不开始,就永远停留在构思。准备永远不会充分,仅仅是初稿。  (。ӧӧ。) 这是 一个漂在异国他乡的故事…



    本文标题:Turbulent2008|| 动荡的2008 【1】
