

作者: Wind教口语 | 来源:发表于2017-12-07 10:19 被阅读70次


我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持5个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松的方式提升自己的听力? 跟我一起每天听写电影吧!


So, what have you been working on?

这一句的have是听不清的, 相对而言后边的been和working就比较清晰一些, 我也是从它俩倒推得出have.

下图是have的几种弱读, 在这里它读做了[v], 听的时候感觉是: what和you之间有个东西, 仅此而已.



从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 So, what have you been working on?

2 I'll show you.

3 Duct tape? I hate to break it to you, bro.

4 Already been invented.

5 Dude! Ow!

6 This is what I've been working on.

7 Hello. I am Baymax.

8 Your personal healthcare companion.

9 I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said, "Ow."

10 A robotic nurse.

11 On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?

12 Physical or emotional?

13 I will scan you now. Scan complete.

14 You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm.

15 I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.

16 What's in the spray, specifically?

17 The primary ingredient is Bacitracin.

18 It's a bummer. I'm actually allergic to that.

19 You are not allergic to bacitracin.

20 You do have a mild allergy to peanuts.

21 Not bad. You've done some serious coding on this thing, huh?

22 Programed him with over 10,000 medical procedures.

23 This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax.

24 -Vinyl? -Yeah, going for a non-threatening, huggable kind of thing.

25 Looks like a walking marshmallow.

26 - No offense. - I am a robot. I cannot be offended.



