

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2020-07-13 20:59 被阅读0次
据美国媒体报道,美国政府7日已致函联合国秘书长古特雷斯,声明退出世界卫生组织(WHO),将于2021年7月6日生效。退出世卫组织需要提前一年通知。   联合国基金会主席兼首席执行官库森斯在7日的一份声明中说:“在美国和世界面临一个世纪以来最严重的公共卫生危机之际,特朗普政府正式退出世卫组织的举动是目光短浅、没有必要和绝对危险的。世卫组织是唯一有能力领导和协调全球应对新冠病毒的机构。终止与美国的关系将破坏全球抗击这一病毒的努力,使我们所有人都处于危险之中。 

The US has formally notified the World Health Organization of its withdrawal, despite widespread criticism and an almost complete lack of international support for the move in the midst of a pandemic. ▌in the midst of sth 正当…的时候;在…之中
Donald Trump announced his intention to withdraw in May, accusing the WHO, without evidence, of withholding information, and of being too close to China. 
The letter confirming the move was delivered to the UN secretary general, António Guterres, officials confirmed on Tuesday.
A WHO official said: “We have received reports that the US has submitted formal notification to the UN secretary general that it is withdrawing from WHO effective 6 July 2021.” ▌formal notification 正式通知 
Trump’s Democratic challenger for the presidency, Joe Biden, said he would return the US to the WHO before the year-long process of withdrawal was complete.
“Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health,” Biden said on Twitter. “On my first day as President, I will rejoin the @WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage.”
Democrats have also questioned the legality of the move without congressional approval. ▌legality 合法,合法性
But the administration has already begun looking for other channels to spend the $450m it pays annually in WHO membership dues and voluntary contributions. It is unclear what will happen to US officials who work with the global health body.
“By pulling out of the WHO, President Trump is strengthening Chinese leadership and power, both within the WHO and more broadly within the international community,” Merkley said. “Cutting the United States out of the WHO in the middle of the worst global pandemic in a century makes Americans more vulnerable. By abandoning the efforts to control the virus abroad, we’re ensuring that far more Americans will get sick, either through foreign travelers coming to the US, or through Americans traveling abroad.” ▌pull out of 退出;拉出,取出
Republican members of Congress have also urged Trump to keep the US inside the WHO to support reform. The administration has received almost no support for withdrawal from US allies, with the exception of the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, who confirmed he had tested positive for coronavirus on Tuesday. The formal withdrawal was confirmed as the number of US coronavirus cases approached 3 million, with 130,000 deaths so far.
The White House coordinator on coronavirus response, Deborah Birx, said the administration had been caught by surprise by the spread among younger Americans.
“I think none of us really anticipated the amount of community spread that began in our 18-to-35-year-old age group and I think that this is an age group that was so good and so disciplined through March and April, but when they saw people out and about on social media, they all went out and about,” Birx said at a roundtable with foreign ambassadors and senior diplomats organised by the Atlantic Council.
Birx left the online meeting before news of the formal withdrawal arrived. None of the foreign diplomats taking part supported the move.
“While criticism is welcome … we feel that it is not a good idea to hamper the organization, while in the full thrust and brunt of this pandemic,” the German deputy head of mission, Ricklef Beutin, said. ▌hamper 阻碍,妨碍 the brunt of sth …的主要压力(或冲力)


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