“ 假若我再上一次大学”,多少年来我曾反复思考过这个问题

“ 假若我再上一次大学”,多少年来我曾反复思考过这个问题

作者: 遥望安知是夕颜 | 来源:发表于2020-03-13 23:17 被阅读0次


      If I can return back to university

life,what’s my choice.such feelings h-

as been lingering on my mind for a lo-

ng time. I am once in a dilemma that I

had better not to attend university as

the more knowledge l acquire,the less

attention l will devote to my learning,

which puzzles me a lot,or that I still

need to do likewise even picking up w

-hat l have been struggling for from

then to now.Finally,the last win the da


      Why do I still want to go to colle

-ge and learn the same subject?To be

honest,there aren’t any grandiose reas

-ons. I simply assume that it not only

myself but others that would benefit fr

-om my research.But it seems that my

research make no difference to nation

-al development and people’ subsiste

-nce in the eyes of these ordinary peo

-ple as so mysterious is my research t

-o them .

      Nevertheless,what remarkable ach

-ievements have made in the studies of

Sanskrit,pali and the Buddhist scrip

-tures for every developed country wit

-h advanced science and technology a

-fter them carry out such research.It a

-ppears that these obsolete linguistic

research are relevant to the advance of

our science and technology,which is

really thought-provoking.




    本文标题:“ 假若我再上一次大学”,多少年来我曾反复思考过这个问题
