
作者: 如果我热爱性感的我 | 来源:发表于2019-07-27 16:57 被阅读1次

    It has been more than two weeks since the beginning of the school. Sun Shaoping has not had the opportunity to speak to Hao Hongmei alone.

    He saw that Hongmei had changed into a semi-old red checked shirt as if she had changed into another person. Perhaps because of a holiday at home, she eats more food this season. Her thin cheeks now look much fuller. Having spent half a year in the city, she also knows how to tie up two short pigtails like a city girl with her rural "doll" head. With her self-made, hand-made square shoes and a pair of sky-blue trousers that look like newly purchased ones, people can hardly recognize that this is Hao Hongmei. In fact, she just changed her original patched clothes into clothes without patches. This small change makes a person who is not obvious at all very noticeable. At the same time, it should be admitted that Hao Hongmei had that beautiful girl's face and figure. If you had a more beautiful dress than now, it would be hard to see that the girl was from the countryside.

    When Sun Shaoping saw her, a hot torrent would rise in his heart. Sometimes he even felt it was difficult to breathe.

    Of course, his own clothes still look the same. The old homemade cloth, although cut into uniform style for him by Kim Po-ma, still can not hide its essence of the local atmosphere; coupled with the summer holidays to cut firewood at home, dyed dirty by live firewood and straw, almost used up half of the steamed alkali noodles at home before the start of school, or did not wash. He looked at his sad clothes and wanted to take them off and throw them away. But I soon laughed bitterly: I had to run naked to throw it away! Well, what makes him blush most is that he's so big that he can't even make a pant. When he goes to bed at night, people take off their long clothes and wear their trousers. Once he takes off his coat, he is naked. But anyway, he now has a sweet consolation: as poor as he is, perhaps the most handsome woman in the class is still friendly with him! Let Hou Yuying go to hell! She just wants to be nice to him, and he doesn't want to be. This is not to blame her leg - if Red Plum's leg is lame, he will be good to her too!

    But after more than half a month, Shaoping still failed to say a few words to Hongmera. This is not to say that there is not even a chance. In fact, they met many times alone, but I don't know why she avoided him as she did last semester - and often seemed to have avoided him intentionally!

    Shaoping has no idea about it. He couldn't even find a reason to think about it.

    But he is not as busy as he was last semester. He guessed: Maybe there was something wrong with Hongmei's family. She was so upset that she didn't want to talk to him.

    But it seems that she is not upset! On the contrary, she was much more active than last semester. Now even after lunch every afternoon, in the mixed basketball court, you can see her talking, laughing and playing with her classmates.

    So one afternoon, when Shaoping saw Hongmei on the basketball court again, he came in whirling himself. This is not a game. There are many boys and girls standing in a semicircle under the rebounds on both sides. Who catches the ball, who shoots. Whoever makes a shot and then gets the ball passes it on to another person - they are high school students, and they already know the rules and courtesy.

    Shaoping saw Hongmei shoot a basket and the ball came back to her again. When she was ready to pass it on to others, Shaoping just behind her said, "Give me one!"

    Hongmei would not have missed him, but she ignored him, even did not return, and passed the ball to the monitor of the other side, Gu Yangmin.

    Shaoping had already stretched out his hand, but he had to retract it awkwardly. Suddenly, he felt blood pouring all over his face, and his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog. He could not see anything far or near.

    He was about to turn around and walk away, and Kimber passed the ball to him. He barely caught the ball and gave it back to Kimber with his soft arms. A man turned out of the school playground.

    He left the playground, went out of the school gate aimlessly, came to the street in a daze, and finally went to the river beach outside the county town in a daze... He stood by the river in the dusk, gazing at the seemingly no longer flowing water, feeling a blank in his mind. Everything, including pain, is vague for the time being --- just as he came to this river in an inexplicable way.

    When he slowly recovered his thinking ability, he first said in his heart: I just know why Hongmei ignored me! Apparently, she has been well with the care of the people... When was Hongmei and Gu Yangmin good? At the end of last semester, she also folded some white bread into his History of Entrepreneurship, which made him tearful with excitement. During the holidays, Hongmei returned to the countryside, while the family of the people cared for was in the city. It was impossible during this period... So, in the first few weeks of school in the second half of this year, did she get along with him? Sun Shaoping can only judge like this... His judgment is correct. It was in these weeks that Hao Hongmei became better with Gu Yangmin.

    The girl with poor family composition grew up in fear. When she was a child, her father was still alive, wearing a landlord's hat, and the family could not lift their heads in the village. In her second year of primary school, the Cultural Revolution began. The poor middle peasant rebels in the village, carrying red flags and shackles, shaved their houses and courtyards into a pile of ruins overnight. The poor middle peasants attempted to dig out the gold and silver treasures buried in the ground by the old landlords and the "changing sky account". As a result, they found nothing but an empty pot buried by the God of earth. But they have no home and can only live in a hut next to them where they used to feed animals. Her father died that year. But her father's landlord hat was not buried in his grave, but left to her father and her as the main legacy. Her father is the son of the landlord, and she is the grandson of the landlord. In the present concept, this is not much different from the landlord himself.

    It was with such a heavy political burden that she managed to stay in the county high school with her white eyes and discrimination in society. Because she grew up in such a situation, she learned very well when she was young, respected in the village, uncles and aunts are not apart, so when the poor middle-aged peasants recommended their children to junior high school and senior high school, no one in the village had a card for her. As for the scenery of her family, of course, it has fallen into a mess. The only sign of past prosperity is a broken Taishi chair with a broken leg. Nowadays, a few people in a family can only depend on their father's salary. In a year of famine, the relief money and food handed out by the state, needless to say, did not touch their families at all; the whole family had to live together hungrily. For many years, the family had pinned their hopes on her, hoping that she would bring a glimmer of light to the ruined family, so no matter how poor the family was, their parents would grit their teeth and insist on her going to school...

    Hao Hongmei recognized her unfortunate life and her mission to her family very early. The harsh life matured her prematurely. She looks flat on the surface, but she has some ideas.

    At first, like Sun Shaoping, because her family was poor, she felt that she could not lift her head in front of everyone. What embarrassed her most was that she could not afford a better meal, and all the meals were black sorghum buns. The girl loves face. She doesn't want to take her dishonorable dry food in public. She waits for others to finish the meal before she goes.

    But she never imagined that there was one person whose situation was exactly the same as hers. She naturally felt compassion for the boy named Sun Shaoping.

    Hao Hongmei has learned a lot about adults, including love and marriage, because of her rough life experience. But she and Sun Shaoping did not have any intention of this aspect in their initial contacts. She herself had long planned that her family was not well-constituted and had a bad outlook. She wanted to find a good family and a rich man to change her family's fate in the future. Her parents pin their hopes on her for the future, but she knows herself that a girl, with poor composition, can only go to high school and return home to work after graduation - as for the future recommendation to go to college, the composition of her family is absolutely impossible. Therefore, only by finding a good mother-in-law and a good partner can she possibly change the situation of her family and herself, which may be the only feasible way. So how could she possibly leave her destiny to a man as poor as herself?

    Therefore, her approach to Sun Shaoping is basically a kind of compassion - compassion for others, but also let others pity themselves.

    But she did not totally belittle Sun Shaoping. There seemed to be something very unusual about this poor boy - she could not tell what it was. In addition, although he is not very beautiful, but his appearance is very characteristic, tall, straight nose, face has a male tenacity, dark and deep eyes. If this person is a cadre's son, or a peasant's son, but the family is prosperous and there are working relatives outside the door, such as a family like Tian Runsheng, maybe she will be moved. But Sun Shaoping has nothing in these aspects. She heard from the side that the Shaoping family suffered in the countryside and were so poor that there was only one hole in the earth cave. But after all, their fates were similar, which filled her with affection for the boy. Sun Shaoping is precious to her in a world where she can not be loved. It was only when Hou Yuying attacked her publicly as Sun Shaoping's "aunt-in-law" in slanderous language that she felt anxious, angry and angry. Her high school in this county town has another purpose - maybe she can climb up a man with good conditions in these two years. When Hou Yuying made such a noise, public opinion tied her to Sun Shaoping. How passive she is! She hated Hou Yuying and was a little angry with Shaoping, who made you so affectionate and sent me a good tool every time she worked! Therefore, she gradually began to alienate from Sun Shaoping. She wants people to see that Hao Hongmei is not Sun Shaoping's "aunt"... It's just a few months in a flash. Near the holidays, she suddenly found that under her old box, she still had a copy of the history of entrepreneurship borrowed from Sun Shaoping. She felt a deep sense of guilt at once. She ignored Shaoping for several months and kept his book under pressure for so long without returning it to him. She knows that Shaoping also borrowed the book from the Culture Museum. Now he is going to have a holiday soon. He must be very anxious to return it to others. Alas, this Sun Shaoping! Why don't you ask me? But she thought again, it's her fault, she should take the initiative to give it back to others.

    Near the last Sunday of the holidays, she rushed to the boys'dormitory to return the books to Shaoping. Shaoping is not here. Jinbo told her that Sun Shaoping had gone home. She had to turn back to her dormitory.

    When she returned to her dormitory, she found some white bread in her dry grain bag. After the summer harvest began, she went back to the mountains on Sundays to pick up ears of wheat, and her mother used the wheat to grind some noodles and branded some cakes for her. She ate a few pieces, the rest of which she was reluctant to eat and kept. Suddenly she had a wish: to give these cakes and a book to Sun Shaoping to make up for her failure to return the book in time.

    So she put these pieces of white bread in the book The History of Entrepreneurship and turned them to the campus at dusk to wait for Sun Shaoping to come back. When she saw Sun Shaoping go to school, she really had no courage to hand him the book and cake face to face, so she adopted the romantic method that only their age would have. After the semester started, nothing changed for her. It was only in summer that she had unmended clothes to wear, so she didn't look so shabby as in winter. It is because of such a dress that she has the mind to tidy her hair, and she feels that she has a lot of convenience. In the past, she was often reluctant to appear in public places because of her self-shame. Now, this costume makes her a little courageous, whenever the students play basketball in the afternoon, she dares to go. However, she did not want to enter, but stood on the sidelines to watch other boys and girls play.

    That afternoon, as usual, she stood on the edge of the basketball court to watch others play. Gu Yangmin, the monitor of her class, suddenly threw a ball at her and said kindly, "Come and play!" Why do you always stand outside and watch?

    She clumsily caught the ball thrown by Gu Yangmin, blushed, and threw it to the other girls on the court. The girls all came to pull her. She had to walk on the basketball court timidly and excitedly.

    From then on, she went to the playground to play basketball almost every afternoon. It didn't take long for her to become the hardest "formula" among girls.

    During this period, the monitor, Gu Yangmin, became more and more enthusiastic towards her. In the middle of playing the ball, often between intentional and unintentional, smiled at her, and after getting the ball, they often threw it to her. In some collective activities in the class, he also intentionally divides her and him together, looking at the empty son and saying that... Hao Hongmei's spirit was suddenly illuminated by a strong ray of sunshine. Her dream is for people like Gu Yangmin. Gu Yangmin's father is the vice-president of the Teachers'College of Xanthan, his mother is an engineer of the regional construction company, and his grandfather is a well-known doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in this county. Raising the people from childhood and growing up with grandfather, has been in the original West County school. He studied well and was the monitor of the class. Although he was only one year older than her, he was as graceful as a teacher. Now, the girl in the whole class often talks enviously about the person, unexpectedly so favored her, really let her be a little flattered. Compared with the outstanding Gu Yangmin, Sun Shaoping suddenly became pale and discolored. So she tried to get close to Gu Yangmin, talk to him, play basketball with him and make him like her. On the contrary, she was bored with Sun Shaoping and tried to avoid talking to him.

    Hao Hongmei could see that Sun Shaoping always wanted to talk to her after the semester started, but she avoided it intentionally. What makes people angry is that she is playing basketball with the people this afternoon. This person who knows no high or low should let her pass the ball to him. She deliberately refused to give him the ball, but gave it to Gu Yangmin. She wants to make him understand that she is now in good health with the monitor...



