
作者: Annie佘利群 | 来源:发表于2019-06-14 10:04 被阅读0次

与新和中学领导的沟通内容 亲爱的家长们,晚上好! 5.18 有幸与班级的家长代表:唐颖杰爸爸、景森锶妈妈、赵涵妈妈、王 皓瑜妈妈、赵健雯妈妈一共 6 人向学校领导和老师送去感谢信和锦旗。同时与校 领导汤书记进行了深入沟通,让我们对于汤书记的治学、育学、教学(我总结的) 的方法论受益匪浅,基本的内容总结如下: 1、学校对于我们家长的举动非常感动,汤书记说,这是他们应该做的, 能得到家长们的认可非常感谢,班级还是存在很多问题,学校会逐步解决。但现 在有非常好的苗头就是,原来表现差的学生,在柳老师的带领下变得比以前好了, 特别是陈元坤的表现让汤书记很满意,这孩子知错能改,善莫大蔫,并且在本次 的期中考试中也考得不错。所以一个宗旨是,学校不会放弃每一个孩子,只要孩 子愿意变好,学校和家长一定全力配合。 2、学校存在的几个问题: 第一,伙食问题。学校早已关注这件事,一直在努力解决,原因是原来的老班头 不在,新的班头还没有多少经验,所以造成现在的局面,相信学校会改进的。因 为汤书记是一个很接地气的老师,每天吃饭与学生在一起的,他从来不去老师专 用食堂吃饭,目的是给学生做好榜样,同时第一时间就会了解真实的情况。 第二,体育课和副课的纪律问题。这个还是存在,汤书记已详细记录,后面会重 点关注一些体育老师的不负责任态度。以及音乐老师的各项不得力工作,不能以 敷衍的心态应付平行班的长笛学习。 第三,第二语言学习问题。这个问题学校也知道,由于是外面派来的老师不固定 导致,所以学校也是与外面机构商谈必须要固定老师的教学方式,否则浪费学生 的时间,又违背学校的初衷。 以上三个问题,学校会妥善解决的,只是学校需要时间。 3、家长们问的学校排名问题。有相关的数据,只是涉及到一些问题不便 于公布,家长要了解可以单独找班主任。 4、班务日志从下周一开始恢复。家长可以随时了解孩子在学校的学习情 况。 最后说一下,校领导非常愿意家长提出一些学校方面存在的问题,所谓当局者迷, 旁观者清,欢迎家长们提出自已宝贵的意见。 孙锦泳爸爸 2018-5-19

Good evening! Every students’ parents On may 18th, l get a chance, together with the parents’ representative of Yingjie Tang’s father, Sensi Jing’s mother, Han Zhao’s mother, Haoyu Wang’s mother and Jianwen Zhao’s mother, to present Thank-you Note and Silk Banner to the leaders of the school and the teachers of our children’s class. In the meantime we have a in-depth communication with Secretary Tang of the school leader and he let us knows a lot about his Approaches to Scholarship, Pedagogy and Teaching Methods. The basic content l summarized below in my own words. 1. The leaders of the school were very moved by our warm heart action. Secretary Tang said, to improve their students is their responsibility and feel pleasure about the recognition that from us. He said there are still have a lot of problems in the class need to solve, they will improve it step by step. And the good result they have already get is the poor students have become much better than last semester on the discipline of Miss Liu. Especially Yuankun Chen’s performance in the classroom discipline have improved a lot, Secretary Tang feel very satisfied about him. He also made great progress in his grades that he had just get a not bad mid-term examination result. So the Aim of Xinhe Middle School is, never give up any students as long as the students are willing to be good, all of the school teachers must cooperate fully with the students’ parents to trying their best to improve each one. 2. The existing problems: ①. Diet: the leaders of the school have already pay attention to it and is trying to solve it. The reason is the old chef left and the new one have not enough relevant experience that lead to the taste of the food not as good as before. But we believe, it will be improved soon, as Secretary Tang is a down to earth type of teacher, he have his meals with students every day that he never go to teachers’ mess hall. His purpose is to set a example for the students and in the meantime he can easily knows the real quality of the diet at first time. ②Discipline in physical education and minor subjects: Secretary Tang said he already keep a detail record about it and will focus of attention for the improvement of the irresponsible attitude of the PE teacher and all kinds of poor performance of the music teacher. The teach must not teach the flute of parallel classes in a perfunctory manner. ③The problem of second language: the leaders of the school also already know it, the causes of this problems is because of the teacher is instability who is sent from somewhere else. The school leaders is plan to negotiate with outside agency, so that must get the stable teachers, otherwise that would lead to a waste of students’ time and also against the original intention of the school. The three problems will be solved surely, but we should wait with a little more patience, the school need some time to solve it. 3. The school rankings: there are relevant data, but that involved some special things and lead to it can not be publicized in public. If any students’ parents wants to know the school rankings, please ask the head teacher of the class privately. 4. The class service log will resume next Monday. Our students’ parents can keep abreast of their children’s learning in school any time. The leaders of Xinhe middle school are very willing to hear the students’ s parents to point out problems which existing in the school. It is so-called oneself is confusing, but others beside is clearly about the problem. Welcome all the students’ parents give us their valuable suggestion. Jinyong Sun’s father 2018-5-19 It is translated by Jinyong Sun’ s mother / 2018-5-22



