

作者: 宇枝 | 来源:发表于2020-07-03 23:45 被阅读0次

1. " Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. "

There was no sign between the flavors of chocolate of that time in the United States, and the taste was only known when it was opened and put in the mouth. This is also like our life, there are always unpredictable things happen, or sad or happy, and things can maintain a state of mind not surprise is commendable.

2. "You are no different than anybody else is."

Everyone has a weakness that you don't want to mention. However, our lack of confidence, tends to magnify your weaknesses. We should face them up so that we can overcome our own weaknesses and improve ourselves.

3. "Miracles happen every day."

Miracles happen every day if we can create them and grab them. We can't sit and wait for miracles to happen. Any miracle appears before the necessary efforts. If we don't take the initiative to strive for creation, only staring at others ' success. Success doesn't lie in others walking and you also go, but in others stopping while you are still walking.

4. "There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes."

A person's character determines what he does, so many people judge a person's character through a person's appearance. And shoes are also a person's appearance so choose what kind of shoes you can see a person's character.

5. " If there is anything you need, I will not be far away."

In this world, the most romantic thing is company. The sentence let me remind of an old saying:"a friend in need is friend indeed." When we are in trouble, we actually need those who can give our hands.

6. "Death is just a part of life. It's something we're all destined to do."

each of us will die one day, the only difference among us is the time, but it is known to us all that the death is our human' s destination. We should treat it rationally and not be too afraid of fear or worry.

7. "A promise is a promise."

As far as I am concerned, a promise is more than a promise. When we broke our promise, we will lose more than a ward. So we should be serious of our promises.

8. "Stupid is as stupid does."

The criterion of judging a person is not appearance but action. We can't be deceived by the surface, but we should make friends with people and do things slowly from the encense.

9. "You're got to put the past behind you before you can move on."

if we want to keep going, we should be put the past behind. Because the things which happened in the past will hinder our progress now. Only in this way, can we get our targets clearly and firmly.

10. "There is only so much of fortunate a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off."

The people who really have money often relatively low-key. They will not deliberately show off their wealth. It is the cash-strapped people who have some money to show off because it's the most thing they have or it's their vanity.


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