Have a inoculation

作者: 旅途2019 | 来源:发表于2019-10-26 15:24 被阅读0次

Today, we woke up early, had a inoculation for my daughter.

When I was driving I told my daughter that inoculation would not feel painful, so she wouldn't cry when nurse would be  inoculatting the vaccine, I knew you were brave. Then she told me :'what toll or delicious food will you buy to me? 'I told her:'if you will not cry, I will take you to the supermarket, and buy a toll which one you liked'. She said:'OK, I am brave, each time I cry after inoculation was just pretend. '

Then queued up, inoculated, until finished, she didn't cry. We started to come back, she said:'I didn't cry, I am brave. ', I told her how brave she was, then she said:'then to buy a toll. ' hearing her speaking, my laughter didn't control.

I kept my promise, bought a small guitar to her.

Like this, she selected herself.

Have a inoculation


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    本文标题:Have a inoculation
