
作者: 梅花之子 | 来源:发表于2018-07-17 13:16 被阅读41次

今日是个别样清晨,虽然乌云蔽日,却令人赏心悦目。初伏在滚滚雷声中如约而至,没有酷暑炎热。细雨菲菲坠落,雨滴清脆。龙王喜爱变脸,对于雨滴招之即来,挥之即去。雨水滋润着草坪上似毯子般的嫩草,缓慢轻柔地渗入土壤。燕子挥舞着湿漉漉的翅膀寻觅着避雨处。雨间歇处燕子低飞盘旋,吃着美味佳肴。This morning is special and admirable due to the fact that it is covered with dark clouds and therefore cool on such a summer day which is supposed to be hot. The first ten-day periodical hottest date has arrived with the thunder summoning. The slightly slight rain has dropped to the ground with the crispy click . The king of dragon prefers transferring faces to wave the raindrops randomly,which breed the fresh grass on the lawn and leap into the soil slowly and gently.The swallows flap the wet wings to seek the resting shelter to escape the moment. Instantly the rain pauses they  fly lowly and circle to feed themselves on their nutrient food.


黄叶落叶缤纷仿佛秋风扫落叶一般,而枝头上生机盎然的叶子经受住风雨的洗礼愈发茁壮成长。硕大的伞盖为停放的车子提供了阴凉之地。猫儿机灵地爬上树干展示着它们特有的灵活的特性,有时亦或慵懒惬意地躺在树荫下晒太阳。今天按照节气我们应该头伏饺子来庆祝这一日子。我忘记了打算吃面条。经老妈提醒我们精心包了白菜牛肉馅饺子。散发着诱人的香味。一锅清水煮沸,白色的水花跳跃。饺子被投入水中,似鱼跳龙门欢腾。捞出后配以酸酸的醋,白胖的蒜,尽情享受。天公作美,我们如何能辜负这样难得的夏季之凉爽,沁人心脾之好意。The fallen yellow leaves have been blown out of the trees lying on the ground af if the autumn wind swept the fallen ones while the lively leaves are suffering the beating of the rain and wind and become mature. The enormous umbrella lid shades for the parking cars and cats are fond of climbing the branches flexibly to display their shrewd personalities or lie cozily and leisurely in the shade bathing the sunshine.Today is the day where we should eat our favorite dumplings according to the convention to memorize the seasonal festival.Originally I forget it and intend to have noodles.Mom recommends me of the issue so we make dumplings eventually which consists of cabbages,beef mince

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smelling marvelous flavor.A pot of clear water is boiled and the green dumplings are cast into the boiling water resembling the jumping dragon door, swimming up and down for a while like fish.After they are spooned,they are feasted accompanied by spicy saur vinegar ,white and fat garlic. The sky supports and how we can live up to the expectations of it on such a cool summer date.



