I'm really glad that the season 2 of the Night Shift has come back. This is an American medical drama series telling stories about those vets doctors who take night shifts in the ER. Almost half of the staff in it once belong to the military. I guess that would be one of good quality to be a late-night shifter because that after the baptizing of the war filed, they must have already seen a lot of bloody scenes and developed the nerve of steel. But maybe in the whole world, except those psychotics, nobody could get used to those cruel and intense scenes. Otherwise, it'd be truly a cruel world.
The reason why I brought this drama up is that one of the lines in it touched my heart. Topher, a male doctor who was an inch away from the heaven, said to his superior: "Do you know the thing I learned from the almost dying? You gotta live in the moment, nothing else matters."
So, I start to wondering if I've ever had the same experience and if I'm living in the moment at this moment.
I've had two car accidents so far. My dad and mom was with me on both occasion which is not a bad thing, I suppose, because if anything happens, at least, the three of us could hold hands with each other and kiss the world goodbye together. Anyway, back to the business, the first one was just a fender-bender caused by the icy road. Nobody hurted, but unfortunately, good loads of cars kissed the ass of the front car, including ours. One car was approaching us from the back with the failed break and we were pushed towards the front car.
The cause factor of the second one is the family neglect. My dad barely slept the day before and with every right to doze off anytime he wanted, but unfortunately again, he was the one behind the wheels for he's the only on in the family who got a driving license. We were on the road, and it was only 5-minute away from home. My mom insisted that my dad should pull over and take some quick Zs, but my dad thought it was not a big deal and holding the steering wheels tightly, his eyes wide open, his eyelid dancing up and down. In the retrospect, it might be my fault because I was taking a nap on the shotgun at that time. My sleepy aura must be the last straw. 3-minute left, I wake up, founding myself in the middle of the road with several cars around us and the water barrier right in front the engine hood. The silver lining here was that it was a time of traffic jam, so all cars on the road were moving forward like turtles. No casualties.
After the second accident, I learned a couple of things - Getting old enough and then die in the middle of the dream at night is not the sole way towards heaven or hell, dozing off in the car would do the job as well...And the most important one is that living in the moment and savor every minute of life is highly recommended and necessary because chances are, if you are not favored by the God, you could never wake up from the daydream and end up in an other world right on the middle of roads without your parents and your soft bed with you.
Have fun living a life, sis and bro.