1.先在鸡翅上面划几道,方便入味。 First, draw a few lines on the chicken wings to make them tasty.
可乐鸡翅2.然后鸡翅凉水入锅,放入姜片,葱段,把鸡翅焯一下,去血水。 Then cool the chicken wings into the pot, add ginger slices and onion, and chill the chicken wings to remove blood.
可乐鸡翅3、鸡翅捞出用凉水冲凉放着备用。 Remove the chicken wings and let them cool in cool water.
可乐鸡翅4.锅里少倒一点油,放入鸡翅凉面煎制金黄。 Pour a little oil into the pot and fry the chicken wings to make the golden yellow.
可乐鸡翅5.倒入一瓶灌装可乐,放入一点老抽和生抽,大火烧开改小火,慢慢烧鸡翅。 Pour a bottle of filling cola, add a little soy sauce and soy sauce, turn it into a big fire, change the small fire, slowly burn chicken wings.
可乐鸡翅6.汤汁变浓稠,收汁即可。 The soup thickens and the juice is collected.