

作者: 我是聪 | 来源:发表于2021-06-26 05:21 被阅读0次

原文 https://www.educationworld.in/global-get-girlhood-right/



Getting girlhood right

  • 解释

    • do it properly
  • 举例

    • girls are dong better than ever Don't let the pandemic stymie them

      • stymie

        • prevent sth from happening
        • or someone from achiecing a purpose


For much of human history and in many places.girls were considered property.Or,at best,subordinate people,required to obey their fathers until the day they had to start obeying their husbands.Few people thought it worthwhile to educate them.Even fewer imagined that a girl could grow up to govern Germany,run the IMF or invent a vaccine.


  • property

    • object that belongs to you
  • subordinate

    • lower in rank or position
  • IMF

    • International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)


In most of the world that vision of girlhood now seems not merely old-fashioned but unimaginably remote.In much of the rich world parents now treat their daughters as well as they do their sons,and invest as much in their future.In field after filed girls have caught up with boys.Globally,young women now outnumber young men at university .The speed of change has been blistering.Fifty years ago only 49% of primary-school-age girls in lower-middle-income countries were in school,compared with 71% of boys;today the share of both is about 90%.In 1998 only half the world's secondary-school-age


  • invest as much in their future

    • 投资未来
  • in field after filed

    • lot of fields
  • outnumber

    • more than
  • blistering

    • means extremely fast
  • on a par with

    • equal in importance or quality to


Girl babies are more wanted than ever before.Parents in some countries prefer them.Even in palces,such as China,where in sex-selective abortion of girl fetuses has been rife,it is often becoming less so.Girls are also less likely to be married off in childhood.In 1995 almost six in ten girls in South Asia were hitched before reaching 18;that ratio had fallen by half.Around the world,it has fallen from one in four to one in five.


  • sex-selective abortion

    • 选择性流产
  • fetuses

    • meads an animal or a human being
  • rife

    • means even though it;s very unpleasant,it is very common or happens a lot


Girls are healthier ,too. Compared with the mid-1990s, they become sexually active later and are more likely to use cotraception .Rates of teenage pregnancy have fallen by a quarter globally and by two-thirds in South Asia and North America.Girls are less likely to suffer female genital mutilation - and object to this horrific tradition more vocally.Whereas in 2000 just 27% of women and girls in the most-affected regions said it should be bannned ,today 54% do.
When societies handle girlhood well,the knock-on effects are astounding .A girl who finishes secondary school is less likely to become a child bride or a teenage mother.Education boosts earning power and widens choices ,so she is less likely to be poor or to suffer somestic abuse.She will earn almost twice as much as a girl without schooling


  • contraception

    • methos to prevent women from getting pregnent
  • female genital mutilation(FGM)

    • involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia
    • or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons
  • vocally

    • to express opinions and complains often
  • sexually active

    • engaged in sexual relations
  • knock-on effects

    • a secondary ,indirect ,or cumulative effect
  • astounding

    • means it's very shocking
  • domestic abuse

    • Psychological abuse

      • involves causing fear by intimidation,threatening physical harm to self,partner or children,destruction of pets and property,mind games
    • FInancial or economic abuse

      • involves making or attempting to make a person financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources
    • Pyhsical abuse

      • involves hurting or trying to hurt a partner by hittingkicking bumping gtabiingitingpinching,shoving.slapping,hair-pulling


And she will pass on a smorgasbord of advantages to her offspring. She will have fewer children ,and invest more in them.They wiill be less likely to die in infancy,or to grow up stunted physically or mentally.she will read to them more,and help them with their homework .All this means they will learn more,and earn more as adults.A recent study by Citigroup and Plan International estimated that,if a group of emerging economies ensured that 100% of their girls completed secondary school,it could lead to a lasting boost to their GDP of 10% by 2030


  • refer to a mixture of many different hot and cold dishes arranged so you can helpyouselves or sever youselves
  • mixture of many advantages


  • future generations


  • babyhood


  • prenvented from growing or developing to the uaual size


Because the benefits of nurturing girls are so large , it is a scandal that some countries have still failed to grasp them.Less than half the girls in South Asia , the Middle Ease or Africa have access to the contraception that they may want . Only one girl in three south of the sahara finishes her secondary education . And although rates of child marriage have fallen by half in South Asia , they have fallen by less than that in Africa (which now has the highest rate in the world ) and have remained stagnant in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • means like a dead lake



  • hobble

    • to limit something or control the freedom of someone


The risk of regression is real . So it is crucial that , even if governments of pc or countries have to tighten their belts , they prioritise spending on education and girls . Donors should help, too . And policies should be joined up .Persuading girls to stay in school longer is not only a way to teach them maths; it is also a chance to vaccinate them and teach about birth control, consent and self-assertion. It can even be Vocab/Background info

tighten their belts

  • save your spending


  • get someone's permission


  • giving your opinions in a powerful way so that other people will notice


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