十四章 坚持人与自然和谐共生
Harmony Between Humanity and Nature.
Build an eco- civilization for sustainable development.
Engels made it clear long ago: “Let us not ,however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us.”
Yangtze River Economic Belt. A showcase for Green Development.
Achieve modernization based on harmony between humanity and nature.
Let the Yellow River serve the nation.
Achieving the goals of peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 is essential to the new development philosophy.
能源绿色低碳转型行动。 For achieving green and low-carbon energy transition.
节能降碳增效行动。 For saving energy,reducing carbon dioxide emissions ,and improving efficiency.
工业领域碳达峰行动。 For reaching peak carbon dioxide emissions in the industrial sector.
城乡建设碳达峰行动 。 For realizing peak carbon dioxide emissions in urban and rural development.
交通运输绿色低碳行动。 For promoting green and low-carbon transport.
循环经济助力降碳行动。 For facilitating reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through the circular economy.
绿色低碳科技创新行动。For advancing innovation in green and low -carbon technology.
碳汇能力巩固提升行动。For consolidating and improving carbon sink capacity.
绿色低碳全民行动。 For advocating a green and low- carbon lifestyle nationwide.
各地区批次有序碳达峰行动。For achieving peak carbon dioxide emissions by different regions in a structured and orderly minor.