

作者: 话时光 | 来源:发表于2022-05-02 21:05 被阅读0次


1. 为什么/什么时候含蓄


S2.  *Although many authors have investigated how PhD students write papers, this is the first attempt to systematically analyze all the written output (papers, reports, grant proposals, CVs etc.) of such students.

S2.  *Our results demonstrate that  students from humanistic fields produce longer written texts than students from the pure sciences and this  is due to the fact  humanists  are more verbose than pure scientists.


S3. Although many authors have investigated how PhD students write papers, we believe / as far  as  we  know  /  to  the  best  of  our  knowledge  this  is  the  first  attempt  to  systematically analyze  all  the  written  output  (papers,  reports,  grant  proposals,  CVs  etc.)  of  such students.

S4.  Our results would seem to  demonstrate that students from humanistic fields produce more written  work  than  students  from  the  pure  sciences  and  this  may  be  due  to  the  fact  that humanists are generally more verbose than pure scientists.


S5. *Our results prove that dogs are more intelligent than cats.


 S6.  Our results would seem to indicate that dogs are more intelligent than the cats.

 S7.  A  possible conclusion  would be that dogs …

 S8.  Our results may be a demonstration that dogs …

  S9.  At least in terms of our sample, dogs  appeared  to be more intelligent …

2. 可以同时实现强调和含蓄

S1*  Interestingly, these results prove that X is fundamental in producing Y.

S2.  Interestingly, these results  suggest  that X is  fundamental in producing Y. (更含蓄)

3. 弱化动词

有些动词太过强势,没有留质疑的空间如: is / are, means, equals, demonstrates, proves, manifests.

S1. This factor is responsible for the increase in ...

S2.  These results demonstrate  the importance of ...

S3.  These findings are conclusive proof that x = y.

S4.  This problem manifests  itself in …

S5.  This means that x = y.


S6. This factor may be / is probably responsible for the increase in ...

 S7.  These results would seem to show /  indicate /  suggest  the importance of ...

 S8.  These findings provide some evidence /  appear to prove that x  = y.

 S9.  This problem tends /  seems /  appears to manifest itself in ...

 S10.  This seems  likely /  probable  /  possible that x = y.

4. 弱化副词和形容词

innovation: innovative, novel, cutting edge, seminal, pivotal

importance:  extremely  important,  very  significant,  of  central  /  vital  /  fundamental importance

certainty:  clear(ly), obvious(ly), evident(ly), conclusive(ly), definite(ly), undeniable, undeniably, undoubtedly

To protect yourself from accusations that you are too certain about your findings you can use adverbs and adverbial phrases such as  somewhat, to a certain extent, relatively,  and  essentially as well as adverbs of probability and possibility such as probably,  likely,  and  possibly.

Other useful adverbs for taking an indirect approach to interpreting the level of certainty in your findings are: apparently, presumably, seemingly .

5 通过插入副词弱化强烈的主张

S5. Our data fit perfectly with those of Mkrtchyan.

The confidence level of S5 could be reduced as in S6:  Our data fit quite well with those of Mkrtchyan.

Words like quite (reasonably, sufficiently, adequately, satisfactorily, suitably, appropriately) leave your claim open to interpretation. 但是不能用的超过两次,不然显得过于模糊

如果需要弱化描述完整度的话,可以用副词 such as partially, in part, to some extent, and  to a certain extent . 但是这些是很模糊的词,慎用,最好具体点。

6. 弱化可能的程度


X must / cannot play a role in Y. (100% certain)

Smoking  can  cause cancer. (100% - this does not mean that smoking always leads to cancer, but only that it has been proved that in certain circumstances smoking is the cause of cancer)

Future work will entail investigating X, which should  prove whether x is equal to y or to z. (80%)

Smoking may / might cause antisocial behavior. (50–70%)

This discrepancy could / may / might  be the result of contamination. (50–70%)

Could this interaction be the cause of this discrepancy? (50–70%)


In all likelihood / probability x = y. (90%)

This raises the possibility  that x  = y. (50–70%)

These results are consistent with the  possibility that x  = y. (50–70%)


It appears possible / probable / feasible that x = y. (50–70%)


X is unlikely to play a role in Y. (80–90%)

X is  probably / likely  equal to Y. (80–90%)

Possibly, X is not equal to Y. (50–70%)

X could possibly / conceivably / plausibly /  ostensibly  play a role in Y. (50–70%)

7. 除了自己的结论外,我们可以自己给出对数据的不同解释

S1. Of course , the opposite may also be possible. In fact, it cannot be ruled out that certain species of cats, for example, Siamese, show intelligence traits that are remarkably similar to those of dogs.

 S2.  Other  factors  besides  intelligence  could  be  involved,  such  as  the  visual  and  olfactory senses. This implies that , in a restricted number of cases, cats could be considered as being more intelligent ...

8. 告诉读者从什么角度来看数据

Viewed / Seen in this way, the data take on a different meaning.

From this alternative perspective, these findings shed new light on ...

From an X point of view , the results can be interpreted very differently

From such a standpoint, our data assume a very different significance.

In this view , these data may mean that ...

Under these conditions, it is legitimate to pose a new  perspective  on ..

或者 make the data (or method, model, discussion, hypothesis etc.) the subject of the sentence,

These data indicate that ...  The  evidence  favors the conclusion that ...  The  model predicted that ...  From this discussion, it would appear that ...  The  hypothesis seems plausible because ...  The  existence  of such phenomena may give confirmation of ...

Useful verbs in such contexts are imply, indicate, suggest, point toward, hint at etc.

9. 怎么表示研究的局限

可以用被动语态或者是 it ...这种非个人化的句式。

It was found that the containers for the samples had become contaminated.

This fraction is assumed  to originate from ...

It  might be speculated that ...


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