A new television reality show where entertainers hug whale sharks, kiss lions, feed pandas and dress up baby chimpanzees has come under fire from wildlife conservationists, saying such activities are cruel and are dangerous for both the humans and animals. In each episode, Li Yuchun(李宇春) and other stars are given zookeeping tasks that allow them to interact with wild animals at Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou. "Many people may think getting cuddly is an expression of love. But they don't realize the hazards run both ways when humans and aminals get too close," said Xie Yan, a zoologist.
reality show 真人秀
entertainer 表演者
whale shark 鲸鲨
chimpanzee 黑猩猩 [ˌtʃɪmpænˈzi:]
come under fire 受到批评指责
wildlife conservationist 野生动物保护者
episode 一集
interact 互动
Chimelong Safari Park 长隆野生动物园
cuddly 令人想亲近搂抱的
hazard 危险,危害
zoologist 动物学家