“平”说英语 第二期 热忱坚韧
As can be seen in the picture, struggling on the tough mountain path is aman, exhausted in sweat.However,his shadow reflected on the overlookingcliff (高耸的峭壁)by the rising sun looks straight and tall, which is somewhat thought-provoking(耐人寻味的).
In my perspective(观点),the picture implies that the way to success islike a zigzag(曲折的) path to the mountain peak,soonly those withenthusiasm(热忱)and perseverance(坚韧)like the man in the picture can eventually make it to the top.Indeed, itis inevitable that there are moments in our life journey when we are challengedwithsetback(挫折) or frustrated by adversity(逆境).Nevertheless(然而),we should bear in mind that we are actually much stronger than we believeourselves to be, just like the man’smighty (巨大的)reflection on the cliff,and thenwe will find few hurdles we face,take the steep cliff for example, are as high as they first appear.
Well, let misfortune test the limit of our strength, let defeat bring outthe best in us and let hardship shape our life on its own course,for they are opportunitiesblessed by God for us to make a difference in our life.
by wow
王亦侬,王天艺,曾经怠惰,受不了再奋战一年的压力,开学初几次想从精华逃跑;也曾因为自己考试成绩不好而深深自卑过,以为自己再怎么努力也比不上别人。但当她们和这里的老师同学朝夕相处、并肩奋斗,并且看到他们身上闪烁着的坚韧、谦虚、勤勉的光芒的时候,被深深震撼了,此后,她们不知度过了多少个忍饥背书的凌晨。强文月,赵依棋,王梦蝶三位同学的心态,让我想起了老子说过的:“上善若水”,做人就应该像水一样,既要有充满“SWEEPING POWER”的一面,又能心如止水、透亮如镜,单纯而快乐。譬如,强文月针对自己弱科手敲的10万字文综笔记,就是在不经意间水到渠成。王婉,徐麟周两位同学对学习的热忱乃至锐利,让我不得不备课到凌晨,才不至于第二天被挂黑板……
她们仿佛是一束光,时而温和,时而灿烂,shine through the
people around them。我想,老而不衰的秘诀,就是与青春为伴,和他们一起奋斗,一起坚持,live up to the coming big days!