

作者: 綠笛 | 来源:发表于2024-07-23 16:36 被阅读0次

The Story of Philosophy的第99句:第1章Plato第2节II. Socrates第2段第2句:

They were a motley crowd, these youths who flocked about him and helped him to create European philosophy. There were rich young men like Plato and Alcibiades, who relished his satirical analysis of Athenian democracy; there were socialists like Antisthenes, who liked the master’s careless poverty, and made a religion of it; there was even an anarchist or two among them, like Aristippus, who aspired to a world in which there would be neither master nor slaves, and all would be as worrilessly free as Socrates. All the problems that agitate human society to-day, and provide the material of youth’s endless debate, agitated as well that little band of thinkers and talkers, who felt, with their teacher, that life without discourse would be unworthy of a man. Every school of social thought had there its representative, and perhaps its origin.


1、There were rich young men like Plato and Alcibiades, who relished his satirical analysis of Athenian democracy;
relish: to enjoy or take pleasure in (something)玩味,享受
She said that tall people relish their height. 她说高个子的人享受他们的身高。
satirical:A satirical drawing, piece of writing, or comedy show is one in which humour or exaggeration is used to criticize something.(画作、文章、喜剧)讽刺的,讥讽的。
Lennon would later appear in a satirical film called " How I Won The War." 后来,列侬还出演了讽刺电影《我如何赢得战争》。

2、there were socialists like Antisthenes, who liked the master’s careless poverty, and made a religion of it;
careless:done, made, or said without enough thought or attention不在乎的;不在意的
The brave soldiers did their duty, careless of dangers and discomforts.勇敢的士兵尽忠职守,对危险和困苦毫不在乎。
make a religion of:to be scrupulously careful of doing, habitually make a point of.其常见的释义为“把……当作宗教信仰;对……极其重视;把……奉为神圣不可侵犯的准则”
She makes a religion of keeping healthy. 她把保持健康当成一种信仰。

3、there was even an anarchist or two among them, like Aristippus, who aspired to a world in which there would be neither master nor slaves, and all would be as worrilessly free as Socrates.
anarchist:a person who believes that government and laws are not necessary无政府主义者
Even then society was dividing between banker and anarchist. 社会也在银行家和无政府主义者之间分裂。
aspire:to want to have or achieve something (such as a particular career or level of success)渴望。“aspire”后面经常接to+n.或者to do形式。
Climbers definitely aspire to be good stewards to the environment.登山者绝对渴望成为环境的好管家。
worrilessly:Free from worry.无麻烦的
The professor, leading a comparatively congenial and worriless life, is a deeper sleeper [than the teacher].



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