Self-portraits are always transcendental questions, attempts to define that fiction of being that each and every one of us is. The artist finds herself reflecting alone with herself and with the painting, there is nothing but her internal jurisdiction and her intellectual or creative work. There is no narcissism but knowledge of being. In Rosa Rolanda's self-portrait, the orchid adorning her hairstyle is one of many common winks and minor references between her work and that of Frida Kahlo, particularly the portraits of Kahlo painted in the 1940s.
自画像总是探讨深奥的问题,试图定义我们每个人都是虚构的存在。艺术家发现自己在画中独自思考,除了沉浸在自我审视和智力或创造性的工作外,什么都没有。没有自恋,只有对存在的认识。在罗莎-罗兰达(Rosa Rolanda)的自画像中,她的发型上装饰着兰花,这是她与弗里达-卡罗(Frida Kahlo)作品之间众多常见的点睛之笔和小参照之一,尤其是卡罗20世纪40年代绘制的肖像。
It is also a gloss to the girls that Covarrubias portrayed when they both traveled to the island of Bali in 1930, where this flower is common in women's personal grooming. On this occasion, Miguel Covarrubias's wife adds a curious detail to her painting: to the left of her face a fly has stopped on the wall. Rosa Rolanda is paraphrasing the legend of Giotto, whom Giorgio Vasari describes in his Lives as capable of such realism that he deceived the painter Cimabue into believing that there is indeed an insect on one of his canvases. But is it also possible that Rosa was going through some existential crisis? There is a certain seriousness and even sadness in the reflection of the mirror that she painted for us and this exercise of representation and self knowledge is an effort to cement an identity that threatens with fracturing.
Is this a defense mechanism where desires and feelings are consciously evaluated or the possibility of replacing them? Rosa and Miguel, a married couple of many years, had serious coexistence problems at the beginning of the 50s. It is a simple rhetorical strategy, trying to make two entities coincide in oneself; who used to be, and who is now. We would then have to pay attention to that idiosyncratic Mexican phrase: make a fly.
We present today's painting thanks to the Museo BlaistenMuseo Blaisten. : )
