秀娟书画--本期主题,月季花,和精品班的孩子们一起,进行月季花的学习和绘画。Grace Gong calligraphy and Chinese painting -- this time , out topic is Chinese rose .
Rose photos通过月季花的诗句和月季花的图片,带学生去了解月季花。Through poem and photos about Chinese rose , we start to entre the class.
月季花 明.张新
一番花信一番新, 半属东风半属尘。 惟有此花开不厌, 一年长占四季春。
线描-Line drawing线描去了解,月季花的外形。Through line drawing , we know the shape of Chinese rose .
教学示范单个指导。Teaching one by one.
单个辅导-one by one佩佩的英文名是玫瑰。Her English name is rose .
佩佩玫瑰-rose to paint rose通过线描的了解后,我们开始用色。After our practice of line , we start to learn use color to paint .
月季绘画-rose paint学生们自由选择颜色。Students can choose different kind of colors .
学生练习-practice of student学习过程。learning process .
练习-practice Rose蝴蝶的学习和绘画。Butterfly learning and practice .
粉色蝴蝶- pink butterfly 用心的文骏-concentration 宋佩仪 学生蝴蝶作品蝴蝶练习。butterfly practice .
蝴蝶飞月季花的创作. The creation of Chinese rose .
文骏月季 专注的孩子 细节的加入-more details 碟在花中-Butterfly in flowers .
盈雪Gather honey .
繁花似锦Flowers blossom .
月季花开Butterfly love flower .
学习时光Painting moment .
示范指导To show students how to paint .
秀娟老师Grace Gong sharing and teaching .
碟在花中-宋佩仪漂亮的蝴蝶,在月季花中飞舞。---宋佩仪 Beautiful butterfly fly in flowers . ---song pei yi
繁花似锦-李华悦紫色的月季花,在和绿蝶的呼应中,繁花似锦。---李华悦 Green butterfly fly in purple Chinese rose , they are perfect match . ---li hua yue
蝶恋花-何昂宸蓝色的月季花,在花瓶中盛开。---何昂宸 Blue Chinese rose , open in red vase. ---he ang Chen
采蜜-王盈雪蝴蝶在花丛中,采蜜。---王盈雪 Butterfly is gather honey in flower . --- wang ying Xue
舞蝶-李泽然蓝色的蝴蝶,在蓝色的花丛中飞舞。---李泽然 Blue butterfly fly in blue flowers . ---Ii ze ran
舞蝶飞舞-龙政融粉色的月季,在盛开。---龙政融 Pink Chinese rose is opening . ---long zhen rong
月季花开-刘文骏花开富贵。---刘文骏 Flower opening . ---Liu wen jun
月季合影学生作品。Students art work show .
学生作品 刘文骏 宋佩仪 王盈雪 李泽然 龙政融 何昂宸 李华悦秀娟书画-月季花开-2017/9/24
Grace Gong calligraphy and Chinese painting -- Chinese rose opening - 24/9/2017