【译文】记忆博物馆 The Memory Museum

【译文】记忆博物馆 The Memory Museum

作者: 二十五岁的老奶奶 | 来源:发表于2018-08-06 08:02 被阅读29次


    Torn, seems to be the main theme of his life, Su thought.

    Like dumplings dropped into a pot, a line of boys dive into the river, their ear-splitting noise of fun and frolic stilling ringing in his ears.  His feet found the familiar soil underneath, wet and slimy.  Never ventured to open his eyes underwater, he wasn’t sure if it was moss.  Walking in mud, he sauntered at the bottom of the river as if he were taking a stroll on the cloud in a dream.

    Years later, a couple of rural businesses opened in Chouzhou, including a cement factory and a hotspot seasoning factory, turning the green in the river to grey.  Su’s childhood was torn in a flash, his friends quickly disappearing from his life while his memory still clinging to the old poplar tree, entrapped in the euphoria from a slingshot war with cypress tree cones attacking in all directions. 

    He bid farewell to classmates in elementary school, a girl named Hua he met at the side of a small bridge, and many girls he played with when he was little.  On that day, he talked with Hua for a long time, their conversation long forgotten.  He can only recall the girl’s plump, bouncy cheeks, her voice crisp as the gurgle of a creek, its stream running down to the bottom of his heart.

    To be continued









        本文标题:【译文】记忆博物馆 The Memory Museum
