Leon and Amy:
朋友,friend. 友谊, friendship.
你们应该听我说过无数次了,我非常喜欢的一部美剧叫《老友记》(Friends),主题曲是《I'll Be There For You》。
我和他是朋友,我们认识好多年了。He and I are friends, we have known each other for many years.
你和他才刚刚认识,怎么能说你们是朋友? You just met him, how can you say you are friends? 认识,meet、know. 说,say.
你是我朋友,我相信你。You are my friend, I believe you.
友谊万岁! Long Live the friendship! 或者Friends Forever! long,长、长久。 live, 存在。 forever, 永远。
我们从不出卖朋友。 We never betray our friends. 出卖、背叛,betray.
在电影《美国队长3》里面,美队和冬兵一起打钢铁侠,美队说:He is my friend.(他是我朋友。)钢铁侠说:So was I.(我曾经也是。)So was I, so am I, so did I.这种短语一般用于说和前者一样,“我以前这样做。我也是。”
最好的朋友,best friend. 他是我最好的朋友,我一定要帮助他。He is my best friend, I must help him. 一定、必须,must.
伴郎,best man. 他曾经做过很多人的伴郎。He used to be the best man of many people.
作为朋友,我必须告诉你我的建议。 As a friend, I must tell you my suggestion/advice. 作为,as. 告诉,tell. 建议, suggestion、advice.