conda create -n myenv python=3.9 numpy=1.21.0 scipy=1.7.1 astropy=4.3 -c conda-forge
and create .yaml
name: conda_env_name
- conda-forge
- astropy>=6.0
- astropy-healpix>=1.0.2
- line_profiler
- mpi4py>=3.1.1
- numpy>=1.23
- pip
- pre-commit
- psutil
- pypandoc
- python-casacore>=3.5.2
- pytest
- pytest-cov>=5.0.0
- pytest-xdist
- pyuvdata>=2.4.3
- pyyaml>=5.4.1
- scipy>=1.8
- setuptools_scm>=8.1
- sphinx
- pip:
- pyradiosky>=0.2
- lunarsky>=0.2.2
- git+
the order below will crated an virtual enviroment named conda_env_name, which don't need to created an conda env first.
conda env create -f environment.yaml