(大家不要忘记关注AndyZ 老师哦! 点击头像右侧关注按钮即可关注啦,欢迎分享文章,同时也可阅读已发布的其他文章。如果留言咨询国际教育和学习、职场发展和员工管理以及招聘方面的任何问题,没准下次推文你就能得到答案!)
1.Converting words and new concepts (grammar, content etc) into phrases you already understand
Well, 中国最领先的家具公司之一,索菲亚拥有特别赞的衣柜可以让大家把衣服很整齐的放进去,让房间更整洁并且不会到处有衣服乱七八糟地扔在地上(读到这里你肯定也反应过来了,哈哈我就是那么光明正大地把索菲亚大大植入广告放进来啦)。但是,你要知道你的大脑并不像一个衣柜和里面的衣服一样,其实它更像一个蜘蛛网有十亿百亿的神经细胞交织在一起,所以像衣服一样把单词“存放”(即死记硬背)根本不合理。难道不应该像上帝创造大脑一样,把不同的新词和新语法连接到一块儿,而不像存放衣服到柜子里一样。我意思是,还是让索菲亚专家们设计衣柜,咱们还是老老实实把英语给搞好!
2. Connecting Your newly built phrases to Existing phrases that you already understand
3.Create diagrams as the first part of reinforcing newly learned phrases and concepts
4.Using your senses as the final part of reinforcing them
如 步骤3所述,图表是一种非常直观的学习方式,也属于思维导图,而思维导图可以直接定义为将任何人想的点子展示出类似于一个地图的形式,让这些单词以千丝万缕的联系浮现出来。
5.Confirming your understanding and word retention: Community-based peer learning and teaching others
If you already know a few phrases but you're inundated with a massive list of new words and feel like you cannot memorize that many words., then fear not. Let me let you in on a little secret, rote memory is needed but it should be only for 20% of the learning, whereas most students use it for 100% of learning new words, phrases or even grammar clauses. This is a very foolish and unscientific way of learning!
So without further ado here are 5 steps I highly recommend you use:
1.Converting words and new concepts (grammar, content etc) into phrases you already understand
Well, one of the leading furniture companies in China, Suofeiya, has really awesome closets that can store clothes neatly and make your entire room layout much more organized than just leaving your clothes lying around everywhere(I know you love my shameless plug). However, your brain isn’t like a closet, rather it’s more like a web of billions of zillions of neurons interlaced, which is illogical because these neurons aren’t tidily tucked away like a closet is, so simply filing words away (aka rote memorization) doesn't make sense completely. Isn’t it more ideal to learn the way God made your brain, which is connecting different words together, rather than learning like storing clothes into a closet? I mean, let’s leave designing closests to the experts like Suofeiya, and how about you focus on learning properly.
2. Connecting Your newly built phrases to Existing phrases that you already understand
Like I mentioned above, rote memorization can only be utilized 20% of the time to lay the foundations for memory, but in terms of word/phrase/clause retention it is wholly insufficient unless your purpose of learning is only use it for an exam and then completely forget about it. As mentioned in step 1, it is highly important to connect different words and phrases with ones you already understand together.
3.Create diagrams as the first part of reinforcing newly learned phrases and concepts
Create diagrams showing the relationships between concepts, which helps illustrate these connections in a much better fashion. Once you have varied connections, then if you happen to forget one, you’ll remember the ideas through another, so it’s of utmost importance to create diagrams in different representations.
Diagrams helps reinforce newly learned phrases and concepts because it can help outline and rearrange large amount of information. This takes the connection part explained in step 2 further, which is laying everything out and understanding how they all connect. For instance, in step 2 we would have connected “haughty” and “pride” together (assuming they are part of a phrase), and then in our overall diagram we would realize that these two words all can be traced back to the basic word of “confidence”. The same of course can be applied to English grammar clauses.
Through diagrams, more complex phrases, vocabulary words and even clauses can be traced back to an easier root form.
4.Using your senses as the final part of reinforcing them
As mentioned in step 3, diagrams is a very visual way of learning that also falls under mindmapping, which is a literal definition for mapping out what one’s mind is thinking of.
A different way of learning is auditory learning, which refers to using sound, audio mnemonic devices and anything that relates to the sense of hearing. Converting diagrams into audible pieces of connecting information is a great way to apply this, and repeating any videos out loud that rehash the learning of the newly introduced clauses, phrases and words also helps.
Of course, auditory learning is not for everyone, so it may be ideal to apply kinesthetic or expand on visual learning to suit one’s learning needs.
5.Confirming your understanding and word retention: Community-based peer learning and teaching others
Most learning environments have mid-sized to large-sized classes not because of encouraging interaction, but quite frankly it is simply to lower costs per head. If you’ve read my previous articles, I am firmly against 1 on 1 learning.
Having more people work together, as per “community-based peer learning”, and trying to explain things to each other, is a lot more effective than only having one brain (yourself), because brainstorming new ideas and connections is a lot faster when you have volume. Community-based peer learning is simply working with one another in a group and trying to brainstorm concepts together. This is very important because you are then applying all then repeating all the learned phrases, connecting them with new ones and constantly coming up with new diagrams and other usage applications. It doesn’t matter if the English levels aren’t equal, because it’s all about volume when you are creating new connections. Your own understanding is powerful enough to filter out the inaccuracies, so worry about creating new connections.
If doing it alone, you are making all these connections a lot slower, which means your understanding of the words is going to proceed at a much slower pace.
Finally, as per the learning pyramid, teaching information to someone else in simple terms proves an understanding of the material which is the ultimate mastery of learning, which I will elaborate further on in the next part of this article series, so stay tuned.
(大家不要忘记关注AndyZ 老师哦! 点击头像右侧关注按钮即可关注啦,欢迎分享文章,同时也可阅读已发布的其他文章。如果留言咨询国际教育和学习、职场发展和员工管理以及招聘方面的任何问题,没准下次推文你就能得到答案!)
- Multicultural and multilingual: Grew up and lived in a number of countries, American-born Chinese - (Third Culture Kid) 多文化和多语言: 在多个国家成长和居住;美籍华人 - 典型第三文化人士(TCK)
- Leader in empowering corporate training and recruitment professionals with assessment methodologies and project-based learning andragogy 为企业培训和招聘人士提供领先评估体系和游戏化的项目式学习的职场教学法的领袖
- Decade of experience in education and training, and expert in China 十年以上的学生教育和企业培训的经验: 并被很多本土和国外人士称为“中国通”
- Regular community event organizer with expertise in workplace gamification for employees 定期社区活动的组织者: 游戏化员工体系的主题
- UC Berkeley Alumni Club Ex-Leader and Recruitment Ambassador 毕业于世界名校加州伯克利大学并担任校友俱乐部前任负责人和前任招生大使
- Third-party Interviewer for College Admissions 美国第三方面试官 (很多大学现在需要学生在提交申请书与第三方机构进行面试)
- Helped build a number of college admissions counseling departments 负责搭建多个海外升学指导中心
- Unlike most “education experts”, personally attended more than a dozen schools growing up and personally went through the AP, IB, British, Singaporean and Hong Kong education systems相比其他所谓的“教育专家”,从小上过十几所学校,亲自体验过AP、IB、英国、新加坡和香港的教育制度
- Recently, created China’s first bilingual entrepreneurial and innovation educational events organization: Center for Youth Business Facilitation
在这一两年间,建立了中国第一个双语创新创业学习的活动平台: CYBF创习国际交流中心